
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CCM reads Riot Act to its members in Katiba Assembly

CCM spent three hours on Sunday reading the Riot Act to its members in the Constituent Assembly, insisting that they were duty-bound to defend party interests during debates.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Assembly members call for amendment of Katiba Act

Some Constituent Assembly (CA) members have asked the government to lay the ground for the amendment of the Constitution Review Act 2013.


11 years ago


Constituent Assembly members want gender highlighted in Katiba

With the resumption of the Constituent Assembly (CA) set for next month, two members of the constitution-making body have called on their colleagues to not to forget the gender aspect when discussing the proposed Mother Law.


11 years ago

Daily News

Katiba Assembly members push for children's rights

Katiba Assembly members push for children's rights
Daily News
A CROSS-section of members of the Constituent Assembly have vowed to shift debate in the discussions that start next week (August 2) in Dodoma from a political power structure on issues concerning children, women and protection of the elderly. They say ...


11 years ago


Names of Katiba assembly members ready: State House

President Jakaya Kikwete has completed vetting names of proposed members of the National Constituent Assembly and he will announce those selected soon.


11 years ago

Tanzania: Too Small! Katiba Assembly Members Describe 300000/

Tanzania: Too Small! Katiba Assembly Members Describe 300000/-
Dodoma — MEMBERS of the Constitutional Assembly are up in arms against their daily allowance of 300,000/-, saying "it is too small". They have appealed to the government to raise it. Under the current rates, the special assembly members are being paid a ...
Public dismisses claim of high cost of livingIPPmedia
Tanzania Constituent Assembly elects interim chairmanSabahi Online
Tanzania's Constituent Assembly...


11 years ago


Bilal counsels Katiba assembly members, calls for consensus

The Vice President, Dr Mohammed Gharib Bilal, has urged members of the Constituent Assembly to ensure that the constitution review process doesn’t tear the country apart.


11 years ago


CCM members set to defy party in Constituent Assembly meeting

Some Constituent Assembly (CA) members from CCM have vowed to reject the party’s official position of advocating a two-government union structure when the CA debates the draft constitution.


10 years ago


CCM majority National Assembly passes disputed Petroleum Act

CCM majority National Assembly passes disputed Petroleum Act
With a very low representation and at least two more opposition legislators walking out, the National Assembly yesterday endorsed the heavily contested Petroleum Act, 2015. CCM Members of Parliament, who are for the bill, commended the government ...


11 years ago


On eve of Katiba Assembly, CCM agitates for two-tier government [VIDEO]

Nape Nnauye says his party believes adopting a three-governments structure is unlikely to resolve any of the myriad problems inherent in the current governance structure.



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