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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CCM, Ukawa’s hidden part of Constitution

 A few days ago when Ukawa called upon the President to dissolve the Constituent Assembly, everyone must have held their breath to see what the outcome was going to be!


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


MP: I’ll part ways with CCM

Nyang’hwale MP Hussein Amar has announced to part ways with ruling CCM ahead of 2015 elections, a move observers sense a defection to the opposition.


10 years ago


CCM opposed to new Constitution

Constitution-making has considerably become one of the major preoccupations in shaping political landscapes in most African countries that have been in transition from authoritarian to democratic regimes. In recent years, constitution making has been undertaken in Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


11 years ago


CCM wants Zanzibar Constitution reviewed

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) wants the 10th amendment of the Zanzibar Constitution reviewed, particularly those areas that have been criticised for reportedly undermining the supremacy of the Union Constitution


10 years ago


CCM starts seminars on constitution referendum

CCM starts seminars on constitution referendum
With almost three months ahead of the referendum, CCM in Kipawa Ward, Dar es Salaam region has introduced seminars for awareness dissemination on the proposed constitution's contents. The move, according to ward councilor Bonnah Kaluwa, will ...


11 years ago


Jussa claims CCM main violator of the Constitution

Ruling CCM was yesterday accused of violating the Constitution Review (Amendment) Act, 2013 by sticking to its guns on the two-government Union in the new Katiba writing process.


5 years ago


Lucy's Brain Was Part Ape, Part Human

Lucy's Brain Was Part Ape, Part Human  Gizmodo'Lucy's baby' suggests famed human ancestor had a primitive brain  Science MagazineLucy had an ape-like brain  HeritageDailyEvolutionary Secrets of Fossil Brains Revealed: “Lucy” Had Ape-Like Brain, but Longer Childhood Like Humans  SciTechDailyAustralopithecus afarensis endocasts suggest ape-like brain organization and prolonged brain growth  Science AdvancesView Full coverage on Google...


10 years ago

Sabahi Online

Tanzania Constitution Forum seeks draft constitution distributed before referendum

Tanzania Constitution Forum seeks draft constitution distributed before referendum
Sabahi Online
The Tanzania Constitution Forum (TCF) has called on the government to distribute copies of the draft constitution before it goes to a vote in the March referendum, Tanzania's Daily News reported Tuesday (December 30th).
Call for mass dtribution of recommended Katiba copiesDaily News
TCF Deputy Chairman, Hebron MwakagendaIPPmedia

all 3


10 years ago


Constitution Forum Seeks Draft Constitution Distributed Before Referendum

Constitution Forum Seeks Draft Constitution Distributed Before Referendum
The Tanzania Constitution Forum (TCF) has called on the government to distribute copies of the draft constitution before it goes to a vote in the March referendum, Tanzania's Daily News reported Tuesday (December 30th). "We have asked the Ministry of ...
Call for mass dtribution of recommended Katiba copiesDaily News
TCF Deputy Chairman, Hebron MwakagendaIPPmedia

all 4



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