
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Chadema faults JK spending

>The main opposition party, Chadema yesterday accused President Jakaya Kikwete of involving himself in a contradicting deal by purchasing  three military helicopters ahead of the 2015 General Election.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Audit agency finds gaps in Chadema spending

>The opposition Chadema has received its annual audit report from the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) who has slapped the party with a qualified opinion report.


9 years ago


Chadema faults govt over Kilosa flood victims

Chadema Presidential running-mate Mr Juma Duni Hadji says if elected, the Ukawa-led government will carry out a feasibility study on flood-prone areas here. Mr Duni said yesterday that it was sad that the government failed to honour its promise to build houses for victims of the floods that hit Kilosa last year.


10 years ago


Chadema faults govt over tendering for BVR equipment.

Chadema faults govt over tendering for BVR equipment.
Chama cha Maendeleo na Demokrasia (Chadema) has said government violated the tendering process for equipment used for registration of voters through the Biometric Voters Registration (BVR). Speaking at Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) upon ...


10 years ago


Sh67m spending on tour queried

Mbeya City residents have criticised the ongoing nine-day study tour of councillors and city council executives to Mwanza, Arusha and Moshi.


10 years ago

Daily News

Budget spending bill for first time

Budget spending bill for first time
Daily News
FOR the first time the government on Friday tabled the Budget Bill, 2014, which seeks to put in place legal framework for management of government spending. Minister for Finance, Ms Saada Salum Mkuya, told the National Assembly on Friday that the bill ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Bukoba DC stresses frugal spending

Bukoba DC stresses frugal spending
Daily News
BUKOBA District Commissioner (DC), Ms Zipporah Pangani, has ordered officials and councillors under Bukoba District Council to ensure that funds set aside by the central government for development purposes are well managed and utilized. Ms Pangani ...


10 years ago


Tanzania hikes defence spending

Tanzania hikes defence spending
The TNS Msoga. The Tanzanian government has increased its 2015/2016 defence budget by 30 per cent to sustain the recruitment and training of new soldiers and ongoing equipment acquisition. Presenting the new budget to parliament, Defence and ...


11 years ago


Parliament moves to tame govt spending

>Parliament has put together a proposed law designed to ensure discipline in budget management. The draft bill seeks to consolidate Parliament’s oversight role in the management of the national budget.


10 years ago


Deposit revenues before spending, authorities urged

The government has called upon local government authorities (LGAs) to cultivate a tendency of banking all their collected revenues before making expenditures for the same.



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