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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Charity group trains, donates hand tools to artisans

The UK based charity organisation, ‘Tools for Self Reliance (TFSR), in collaboration with the Small Scale Industries Development Organisation (Sido) has donated various hand tools to artisans in a bid to improve efficiency and boost their production.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Slough And Windsor Observer

Burnham graduate needs a hand to join charity in Tanzania

Slough and Windsor Observer
Burnham graduate needs a hand to join charity in Tanzania
Slough and Windsor Observer
A 21-YEAR-OLD graduate plans to broaden her horizons while volunteering with a sustainable development project in Africa. Chloe McShane, a recent University of Kent psychology graduate from Burnham, will be heading out to Tanzania as part of a project ...


11 years ago

Asian Image

Tauheedul charity donates £13500 to Book Aid International

Asian Image
Tauheedul charity donates £13500 to Book Aid International
Asian Image
The alliance between the Tauheedul Charity and Book Aid International began in 2013 with a programme to establish portable school libraries in ten primary schools on Pemba Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania. The Charity launched a campaign on World Book Day ...


9 years ago

Evesham Journal

Droitwich group donates more than £500 to help communities in Tanzania

Evesham Journal
Droitwich group donates more than £500 to help communities in Tanzania
Evesham Journal
MEMBERS of a Droitwich sports club raised hundreds of pounds for its catering manager in thanks for her hard work this year. A quiz night organised by Droitwich Spa Bowling Club generated £511, which caterer Sue Plummer donated to Mission Morogoro, ...


9 years ago

Saudi Gazette

Sharaf Group's charity school empowers Tanzanian girls

Sharaf Group's charity school empowers Tanzanian girls
Saudi Gazette
DAE ES SALAM — Empowering the disadvantaged girl child through education was the message that went out when the WAMA Sharaf Secondary School in the United Republic of Tanzania was inaugurated recently. The charity school was opened in the ...


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Hansa Group (Diamond Motors Limited) donates classrooms for mentally handicapped children

Hansa 1

Hansa Group Limited Executive Chairman Mr. Rupin Rajani and Dar es Salaam Mentally Handicapped Children Support Group Chairperson Mrs. Evelyn Warioba pulls a curtain to unveil a brace plate that signify official handover of a Tsh 67 million fully furnished three classrooms, administration block and lavatory for the mentally handicapped children to Kibamba Primary school in Kinondoni District in Dar es Salaam. Hansa Group (Diamond Motors Limited) was the main project sponsors.



5 years ago

Middle East Monitor

Anti-racism charity rejects pro-Israel group's protest, confirms Ken Loach as competition judge

Anti-racism charity rejects pro-Israel group's protest, confirms Ken Loach as competition judge  Middle East MonitorCharity's invitation to Ken Loach to judge school contest 'shameful', Board says  The Australian Jewish NewsView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

Bandera County Courier

Global Cutting Tools Market 2020 Mitsubishi, OSG, Idaka Precision Tools, Sandvik, Ingersoll, NTK, Sumitomo, STANLEY

Global Cutting Tools Market 2020 Mitsubishi, OSG, Idaka Precision Tools, Sandvik, Ingersoll, NTK, Sumitomo, STANLEY  Bandera County Courier


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Tourism, air transport must go hand in hand

One of the most striking aspects in CCM’s 2015-2020 manifesto is the ruling party’s desire to see Tanzania attract two million tourists come 2020, up from the current 1.1 million.


9 years ago


Tourism, air transport must go hand in hand

One of the most striking aspects in CCM’s 2015-2020 manifesto is the ruling party’s desire to see Tanzania attract two million tourists come 2020, up from the current 1.1 million.



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