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Charity organisations help the needy

Charity organisations have donated items worth over Sh6 million to the Bukumbi Care Centre for the Disabled.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Charity Organisation Gives Dar's Needy

Charity Organisation Gives Dar's Needy
Ismail Hamisi was unlucky this time because, unlike on some previous similar charity ceremonies, Sathya Sai Society of Tanzania (SSST) gave him shoes too small for him. But he got two packets of juice and some bananas to silence rumble of hunger in his ...


10 years ago


Charity Organisation Remembers Founder's Call to Help the Needy

Charity Organisation Remembers Founder's Call to Help the Needy
HANDICAPPED children of the country may be having a difficult time, but as the years crawls to the end a guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba of oriental religious charity organization, of Sri Sathy Sai of Tanzania (SSST) soothed their hearts recently on the 89th birthday ...


9 years ago


Charity golf funds benefit needy girls

Charity golf funds benefit needy girls
Highly underprivileged street girls at Sister Carmel Welfare Centre of Kurasini in Dar es Salaam stand to benefit from a newly-built classroom, provision of sewing and knitting equipment worth 47m/- donated by Rotary Club of Bahari through charity golf ...


11 years ago


Do Blacks still need their own organisations today?

Many of the national black organizations that we have today were started as a result of racism or from the belief that white America wasn’t really interested in the development or the improvement of blacks. So they felt that blacks had to look out after themselves.


10 years ago


Of MPs and ‘other’ indebted organisations

We owe today’s headline to the intro of a story that’s on Page 3 of the Saturday, Nov. 15 edition of Bongo’s huge and colourful broadsheet, with the title: “MPs, among TBA’s Sh816 million evaders”, in which our scribbling colleague says:


11 years ago


Taxation related to Non-Governmental organisations

One of the questions that is often asked on taxation is whether Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are subject to taxation.


10 years ago


Organisations go to court to stop Burundi poll

>As East Africa Community (EAC) leaders were pondering the Burundi crisis in Dar es Salaam on Monday, lawyers were busy filing a case in Arusha to stop the July 15 presidential election.


11 years ago


Religious organisations crucial for peace, security, urged to increase participation

Religious organisations crucial for peace, security, urged to increase participation
Religious orgainsations have a key role to play in ensuring that peace and security prevail in the country and as such they have been urged to scale up their participation in building a law abiding citizenry in Tanzania. Making a call over the weekend, Minister ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Envoy pleads for the needy

Daily News
Envoy pleads for the needy
Daily News
INDIVIDUALS as well as public and private institutions have been urged to support children living in difficult conditions. The appeal was made by the patron of Diana Women Empowerment Organisation (DIWEO), Engineer Emmanuel Ole Naiko at an event to ...



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