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Children See Things in the Strangest Ways


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Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


PARENTING : Ways to involve children in house chores

Letting children to do chores at home can be challenging. Some give an excuse of stomach pain, others headache and some tell you, “Mummy I am still young.” Children can spend the day playing and take more than 40 minutes to wash one cup.


11 years ago


Children who keep losing things

There was a week when the concept of losing things by one or both of my children was as inevitable as the rain which falls every Easter morning. We were always losing or forgetting something at school.


10 years ago


Why three Tanzanian children sparkled in World Bank children's art drawing ...

Why three Tanzanian children sparkled in World Bank children's art drawing ...
Three out of 150 children entries won the World Bank (WB) Tanzania four week children's art drawing contest that took place between March and April 2014. In this brain cracking art exercise Chanda Lwansa (13) a form one student at Feza Girls Secondary ...


11 years ago


More ways to see Zanzibar

More ways to see Zanzibar
Holiday Tours is to launch Zanzibar as its new Indian Ocean island destination, with packages to go on sale next month. Product Manager, Chantelle Browne, said there had been substantial demand from the company's agency partners and a strong launch ...


10 years ago


MP: I’ll part ways with CCM

Nyang’hwale MP Hussein Amar has announced to part ways with ruling CCM ahead of 2015 elections, a move observers sense a defection to the opposition.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

7 Ways To Get Noticed At The Office

headstandNo matter what your role or where you are performing it, you can shine – anywhere. Regardless of where on the totem pole you start, true talent will rise to the top.  Here are 7 ways to emerge from the crowd:

 (1)Seize Your Opportunity

I will never forget the disappointment of asking my favorite intern if she had fun plans for the summer. Before then we had only exchanged cheerful thank yous and hellos. This was the first personal question I had asked her. 

Her response was:  “No. But maybe...


11 years ago


Ways to deal with disrespectful behaviour

The bottom line is that when a child breaks a rule, the parent should hold the child accountable. 


10 years ago


Simba SC part ways with coach

Dar es Salaam. Mainland giants Simba have parted ways with their Serbian coach Goran Kopunovic, it has been revealed.


10 years ago

Chicago Business Journal

4 ways to get comfortable taking risks

Chicago Business Journal
4 ways to get comfortable taking risks
Chicago Business Journal
As I'm writing this, I'm days away from doing something that most people would consider a risky endeavor: climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Have I ever done anything even remotely like this? No. Is the eight-day climb a challenge? Absolutely.



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