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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Cholera outbreak triggers UNICEF cross-border relief operation

Lake Tanganyika, Burundi-Tanzania border, May 20, 2015 – UNICEF has rushed relief supplies to Tanzania’s north-western border with Burundi, in response to a devastating cholera outbreak among 50,000 Burundian refugees gathered on the shores of Lake Tanganyika.
UNICEF has dispatched cholera treatment supplies, as well as WASH, health and nutrition items, shuttled in from Burundi and Tanzania to the affected area, and is working with partners on both sides of the border to help scale up the...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


In Tanzania, Unicef Dispatching Working to Halt Cholera Outbreak Among ...

In Tanzania, Unicef Dispatching Working to Halt Cholera Outbreak Among ...
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is rushing critical relief supplies to Tanzania's north-western border with Burundi amid a devastating cholera outbreak affecting tens of thousands of refugees there. In a press release issued earlier today, UNICEF ...


9 years ago

The Maravi Post

Cholera outbreak hit Tanzanian border Area; Karonga Residents are at Risk ...

Nyasa Times
Cholera outbreak hit Tanzanian border Area; Karonga Residents are at Risk ...
The Maravi Post
Malawian residents leaving at Songwe border area in Karonga the northern part of the country are at risk of being affected by Cholera disease which is reported to have hit its Tanzanian counterparts at Kyela district, health officials have confirmed ...
Cholera outbreak feared in Karonga: Council blamed for deplorable hygieneNyasa Times

all 2


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

UNICEF, Government and Push Mobile Use Technology to Contain Cholera


UNICEF Tanzania’s Representative a.i., Paul Edwards and Freddie Manento, CEO of Push Mobile, sign a partnership to send life-saving information on cholera by SMS to over 10 million Tanzanian mobile users. (Credits: UNICEF Tanzania/2015/Bisin).

Today, Tanzania’s Government, UNICEF and Push Mobile, a mobile communication company providing SMS aggregation services across all the available mobile networks in Tanzania, have signed a partnership to reach over 10 million Tanzanian mobile users...


10 years ago


Sierra Leone foreign Ebola relief operation criticised

Foreign aid workers defend Sierra Leone Ebola operation


9 years ago


CROSS ROAD : New Bunge, panic over cholera in Dodoma

President John Magufuli has summoned the National Assembly to convene on November 17 in Dodoma. Tanzanians will be eagerly following what will be unfolding in the 11th Parliament. Apart from Members of Parliament, hundreds of public officials and MP supporters will be in Dodoma.


9 years ago


Cholera outbreak spreads to Singida

Tanzania's Cholera epidemic which erupted in Dar es Salaam has now started spreading upcountry due to the mobility of people through commercial trade, The Citizen has learnt.


9 years ago


Cholera outbreak kills 54 in Tanzania: UN

Cholera outbreak kills 54 in Tanzania: UN
DAR ES SALAAM, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- An ongoing cholera outbreak starting in Tanzania's commercial capital Dar es Salaam has killed 54 people since August, the United Nations (UN) said in a report released on Wednesday in the east African nation.


9 years ago


Cholera outbreak spreads to Mwanza killing 8

Tanzania’s cholera outbreak which has killed at least 36 people in Dar es Salaam and is spreading up country into Singida has now been reported in Mwanza Region where it has been recently confirmed that eight people have already died from the water born bacterial disease.


9 years ago


Dawasco refutes blame for cholera outbreak

The Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation (Dawasco) has refuted claims that water supplied by the public utility in some areas was contaminated with bacteria that cause cholera.



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