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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Closing the Gap: Amref Health Africa calls for joint action to reduce maternal deaths related to HIV/AIDS


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Tanzania must do more to reduce maternal deaths

Readers tend to pay little attention to newspaper stories on development. And even when they do, it is only when the story is made juicy. At this point, when almost everyone in Tanzania seems to be mesmerised by the political drama ahead of the October election, we are likely to witness that kind of thing.


9 years ago


President Uhuru urges joint action to reduce inequality

President Uhuru Kenyatta has called for concerted global action to reduce inequality.


11 years ago


Tanzania steps up action to reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission

The government is embarking on a campaign aimed at reducing the mother-to-child HIV transmission rate from the current 15 per cent to 5 per cent by next year.


9 years ago


Mewata calls for improved maternal health

Medical Women Association of Tanzania (Mewata) has called for concerted efforts from stakeholders to improve maternal health during the implementation of post-2015 development plan to reduce deaths.


10 years ago


EAC Council of Ministers of Health to approve joint Ebola Plan of Action

THE East, Central and Horn of African countries have devised an ambitious Action Plan to combat Ebola Virus Disease from spreading in the regions.  Known as “Regional Ebola Virus Disease Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan of Action” is expected to be approved by the Council of Ministers of Health Meeting taking place in Arusha from 13th to 17th October 2014.
The three regions will work together in planning, coordination and resource mobilization under the auspice of the East African...


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Local ideas shaping national health agendas to reduce child deaths in developing countries


GSK and Save the Children $1 million Healthcare Innovation Award continues to call for life-saving ideas for newborns and under-fives

GSK ( and Save the Children continue to call for applications for their 2014 $1 million Healthcare Innovation Award, as previous winners attract interest and support from national governments to help improve survival rates of newborns and children under five in developing countries.

Six months after receiving a share of the 2013 Healthcare...


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

AMREF Health Africa Launch Its New Identity

Untitled 1

Country Director, AMREF, Dr. Festus Illako cutting the ribbon during the AMREF Health Africa launch new identity. The frame Ceremony held yesterday April 10, 2014 AMREF office in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Country Director, AMREF, Dr. Festus Illako with Amref Health Africa staff during the new identity launch

AMREF, the leading international African organisation in health today rebranded to Amref Health Africa after 57 years as the African Medical and Research Foundation.

A key reason...


11 years ago



Country Director, AMREF, Dr. Festus Illako cutting the ribbon during the AMREF Health Africa launch new identity. The frame Ceremony held yesterday April 10, 2014 AMREF office in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Country Director, AMREF, Dr. Festus Illako with…



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