
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Converting tax evaders into faithful taxpayers!

Today (June 12) is ‘Budget Day’ in the five East African Community countries Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania. It’s the day when the respective Finance ministers table their Govt. budgets for debate in their National Assemblies.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Magufuli warns tax evaders

CCM’s presidential candidate John Magufuli yesterday warned traders against tax evasion, saying if elected, his government would clamp down hard on culprits.


9 years ago

Daily News | The National Newspaper (Press Release) (Blog)

Tax evaders deserve severe punishment

Tax evaders deserve severe punishment
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
SIGNS of a prosperous, economically strong and more united Tanzania are on the cards, as the nation makes headway towards change of mindset away from the perception of business as usual. View Comments. The first week in office by President John ...


9 years ago


PM: We’re determined to deal with tax evaders

Prime Minister Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa said yesterday the government will increse speed in identifying and taking action against individuals who evade paying tax.


10 years ago

Daily News

Tax evaders face exposure in media

Daily News
Tax evaders face exposure in media
Daily News
TAX defaulters and evaders will now be advertised in the media should the Tax Administration Bill of 2014 that was presented in the National Assembly on Thursday be passed into law. The move is aimed at curbing incidences of deliberate tax evasion which ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: PM - We're Determined to Deal With Tax Evaders

Tanzania: PM - We're Determined to Deal With Tax Evaders
Dar es Salaam — Prime Minister Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa said yesterday the government will increse speed in identifying and taking action against individuals who evade paying tax. Mr Majaliwa reiterated the government's determination at the 20th ...
Nation's wealth must benefit all, says PMDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 10


11 years ago


When taxpayers decry harmful tax incentives

Two recent developments have brought into sharp focus the unsatisfactory state of the tax regime in Tanzania. This is in relation to (statutory) tax exemptions – too many of them! – and (criminal) tax evasion: too much of that!


9 years ago


Tax evaders pay back Sh8.6 billion

Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) had by yesterday evening collected about Sh8.6 billion involving about 300 containers that were removed from the port before paying import taxes.


9 years ago


Tanzanian president gives tax evaders one week to pay up

Times LIVE
Tanzanian president gives tax evaders one week to pay up
DAR ES SALAAM Dec 4 Tanzanian President John Magufuli has given tax evaders one week to pay up what they owe or face prosecution, the latest in a raft of measures by the new government to tackle graft. Magufuli, who was elected in October, issued the ...
Tanzania: Magufuli Issues Seven-Day Ultimatum to Tax
Tax evaders get 7-day ultimatumDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release)...


10 years ago


Taxpayers call for improved tax reforms, administration

Tanzania needs to continue strengthening its tax reforms and administration to enable corporate organisations to pay taxes, it has been suggested.



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