
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


COVER: Hidden agenda glaring in proposed media bill

>In 1992, the Government drafted the bill for the Media Professions Regulation Act, 1992 with the intention of putting into place statutory regulation of media practice and media ethics. Upon its unveiling, the media fraternity was up in arms against the proposed legislation, as they saw in it an attempt to tame and even muzzle the press at a time when liberalism in politics, the economy and media was just emerging after decades of state monopoly and control.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


No hidden agenda, please!

Yesterday, the media reported that the National Electoral Commission (NEC) will not rush into a referendum before updating the voters register. 


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: What’s the hidden agenda in IPTL saga?

>CAG lists the following nine court cases involving IPTL’s shareholders and/or creditors and informs us that it only focused on the first 2: Misc Civil Case No 49 of 2002 pitting VIP against IPTL and Mechmar Corporation in the High Court of Tanzania, Misc Civil Case No 254 of 2003 pitting VIP against IPTL, Mechmar and the Administrator General in the High Court of Tanzania and Civil Application No163 of 2004 pitting VIP against Mechmar in the Court of Appeal.


11 years ago


Conflict erupts over proposed budget management Bill

This is happening at a time when Parliament has completed drawing up a similar bill, The Citizen on Sunday has established.


10 years ago

Panapress (Subscription)

Tanzania: Proposed Constitution grabs local media attention

Tanzania: Proposed Constitution grabs local media attention
Panapress (subscription)
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (PANA) - Nothing could have been of greater interest to the Tanzanian media and their audience this week than bringing the Constituent Assembly's business to a close with the endorsement of the country's draft Constitution.


11 years ago

Daily News

Media Bill now ripe for tabling

Daily News
Media Bill now ripe for tabling
Daily News
INFORMATION, Culture, Youth and Sports Minister Fenella Mukangara unveiled her 35bn/- budget estimates for 2014/15 financial year, promising to table the eagerly awaited media and information bill in the next parliament session. Dr Mukangara told the ...


10 years ago


Puzzle over media services Bill

Dodoma. It’s not yet clear whether the government will submit the contentious Media Services Bill in the current Parliament meeting for debate or not as both pillars try to distance from the matter.


11 years ago


Opposition: We want media services bill now

The Opposition Camp in Parliament has expressed its dismay over the delay by the government to table the Media Services and Freedom of Information bills.


10 years ago


Media Bill officially withdrawn.

Media Bill officially withdrawn.
The government has officially confirmed withdrawal of Access to Information Bill, 2015 which was scheduled to be tabled in the House today, saying that the bill will be tabled in the next parliament. The official announcement was made in Parliament yesterday ...
Access to Information Bill withdrawnDaily News

all 2


10 years ago


Investors want new media bill dropped

Media operators call for the Media Services Act 2015 be considered in the new dispensation after the elections and when the country adopts the proposed new constitution. 



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