
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Covid-19 cases in Tanzania now rise to 12, says President Magufuli

Covid-19 cases in Tanzania now rise to 12, says President Magufuli  The Citizen Daily

The Citizen Daily

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Tanzania records two more deaths as Covid-19 cases rise to 32

Tanzania records two more deaths as Covid-19 cases rise to 32  The Citizen DailyBricks from plastics? Tanzania knows how to do it  The East AfricanAh-choo! Is it coronavirus or just seasonal allergies?‘Do not take the virus to the villages’, warns Tanzania’s health Minister  The Citizen DailyView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The East African

Covid-19: Tanzania reports two more deaths as cases rise to 32

Covid-19: Tanzania reports two more deaths as cases rise to 32  The East AfricanView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


Coronavirus in South Africa: Restrictions ease as Covid-19 cases rise rapidly

South Africa is trying to balance dealing with the virus and supporting a damaged economy.


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Coronavirus cases in Tanzania rise to Six

Coronavirus cases in Tanzania rise to Six  The Citizen DailyView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The East African

Tanzania coronavirus cases rise to 19

Tanzania coronavirus cases rise to 19  The East AfricanCovid-19 cases in Tanzania rise to 19 as five more cases are confirmed  The CitizenView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Coronavirus cases rise to three in Tanzania

Coronavirus cases rise to three in Tanzania  The Citizen Daily


9 years ago


Tanzania experiences steep rise in TB cases

Tanzania is the 15th among 22 countries most TB patients. It mentions the number of patients in the country increase rapidly from 11,000 people in 1984 to 62,000 in 2006. Increased also up to 63,892 in 2012 and in 2013 reached 65,000.


5 years ago

EIN News

Coronavirus – Tanzania: COVID-19: Tanzania's Cases now at 13 out of 273 Tested

Coronavirus – Tanzania: COVID-19: Tanzania's Cases now at 13 out of 273 Tested  EIN News


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

‘We shall hold General Elections despite Covid-19 threat’, says President Magufuli

‘We shall hold General Elections despite Covid-19 threat’, says President Magufuli  The Citizen Daily



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