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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CROSS ROADS : What made Tanganyika unique in trust territories

So, it has come to light that Tanganyika was the most significant of all UN trust territories, that is, until December 9, 1961 when it gained independence.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Tanzania: Cross Roads - the Line New Government Should Not Cross

Tanzania: Cross Roads - the Line New Government Should Not Cross
Children can die in flash floods or due to lack of shelter and so sleeping out in the cold, and in Dar es Salaam, of malaria after mosquito bites. This is the dilemma the government must address after demolishing houses claimed to be in disaster-prone ...


9 years ago


CROSS ROADS : The line new government should not cross

Children can die in flash floods or due to lack of shelter and so sleeping out in the cold, and in Dar es Salaam, of malaria after mosquito bites. This is the dilemma the government must address after demolishing houses claimed to be in disaster-prone zones.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Banks at Cross-Roads


Deputy Governor, Bank of Tanzania, Financial Stability and Access, Lila Mkilla delivering a key note address to invited dignitaries during the launching of GIS Census of Financial Access Points 2013 at the Central Bank Conference Centre in Dar es Salaam.(All Photos by Zainul Mzige).

.Over 12 million Tanzanians are now using mobile financial services- Survey

By Damas Makangale, MOblog Tanzania

THE National Financial Inclusion Framework (FINSCOPE) 2013 has shown that more than half of the...


10 years ago


CROSS ROADS :There cannot be a substitute for quality education

The fast established universities as well as other institutions offering tertiary education across the country and falling quality of education are matters of concern. This column has previously addressed the issue, noting that parents and students were being taken for a ride in some instances.


9 years ago


CROSS ROADS : Cybercrimes Act;Going for self-censorship?

At the onset of the Cybercrimes and Electronic Transactions Acts becoming operational effective September 1, 2015, the minister for Communications, Science and Technology, Prof Makame Mbarawa, assured us that the two laws were not meant to infringe upon democracy and the freedom of people to access information.


9 years ago


CROSS ROADS : Health service delivery gaps must be addressed

Media coverage seems the most important priority for the ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Children and the Elderly.


9 years ago


VIDEO: Satirist: Creative ways to cross Zambia's roads

Satirist Ikenna Azuike is back with the latest news from the continent in 90 seconds - What's Up Africa.


9 years ago


CROSS ROADS : TZ economy 2016: Brace for hard times ahead

After 2010 elections, Tanzania’s economy was almost in shambles, to say the least. By then the world was struggling to overcome the global financial crisis. Our election spending also worsened things.


9 years ago


CROSS ROADS : Mega scandal exposed, as men fail to feed families

This week, like the previous few weeks, kick started with a drama. This was no other but another mega corruption scandal.



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