
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Current account deficit narrows by 16 per cent

The current account balance narrowed by 15.8 per cent to a deficit of $4.295 billion in the year ending March 2015 compared with $5.102 billion recorded previously, the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) has reported.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania current account deficit narrows 26.3 pct in year to May

Tanzania current account deficit narrows 26.3 pct in year to May
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM, July 14 (Reuters) - Tanzania's current account deficit narrowed 26.3 percent in the year to May, thanks to increased earnings from tourism and manufacturing, the country's central bank said on Tuesday. The deficit narrowed to $3.94 ...
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10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania current account deficit narrows 23 pct in year to April: central bank

Hindustan Times
Tanzania current account deficit narrows 23 pct in year to April: central bank
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's current account deficit narrowed 23 percent in the year to April, helped by a drop in the bill for oil imports and improved performance of the tourism and manufacturing sectors, its central bank said on Thursday. The gap ...
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10 years ago

Reuters Africa

Tanzania's current account gap narrows in year to September

Tanzania's current account gap narrows in year to September
Reuters Africa
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's current account deficit narrowed 12.6 percent in the year to September, helped by a rise in tourism earnings and exports of manufactured goods while oil imports fell, its central bank said on Friday. The gap narrowed to ...
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11 years ago


Tanzania’s trade deficit widens 24 per cent

Tanzania’s current account deficit -- meaning that the country’s economy is functioning on borrowed means -- widened by 24 per cent in the year ending June 2014 as the country experienced an increase in imports of goods and services, Bank of Tanzania (BoT) has said.


11 years ago


Development budget deficit hits 60 per cent

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11 years ago


Precision Air narrows net loss by Sh17 billion

The Precision Air Group narrowed its annual net loss by 60 per cent during the year ending March 2014 as it moves closer to profitability.


11 years ago

Daily News

Budget deficit handicaps police force

Budget deficit handicaps police force
Daily News
BUDGET deficit constrains the police force at crucial moments when it is expected to deliver to international standards. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr Mbaraka Abdul Wakil noted the factor here on Friday evening as a major hindrance ...


11 years ago


Govt acts to plug budget deficit

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11 years ago

Daily News

Karagwe faces 471 primary school teachers deficit

Karagwe faces 471 primary school teachers deficit
Daily News
Karagwe District in Kagera Region faces a shortage of 471 primary school teachers, forcing one teacher to attend 62 pupils. Karagwe District Education Officer (Primary Schools), Mr Gideon Mwesiga, said that the district needs 1,929 teachers while those ...



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