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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Cyanide control plan in process

>The Government Chemist and Laboratory Agency (GCLA) is preparing guidelines for gold mining companies and dealers on the use, transportation and disposal of cyanide, a chemical which is  used for processing rocks with gold.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

Northwest Trail

Global Process Burners Market Analysis 2020 Ruichang, Fives, Honeywell International, ZEECO, Process Combustion Corporation

Global Process Burners Market Analysis 2020 Ruichang, Fives, Honeywell International, ZEECO, Process Combustion Corporation  Northwest Trail


9 years ago


Zimbabwe: 14 elephants killed by cyanide poisoning

Fourteen elephants were poisoned by cyanide in Zimbabwe in three separate incidents, two years after poachers killed more than 200 elephants by poisoning, Zimbabwe's National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority said Tuesday.


9 years ago


China Tianjin blasts: Evacuations as sodium cyanide found

The Chinese authorities have ordered the evacuation of residents within a 3km radius of the Tianjin blast site over fears of chemical contamination.The evacuations came after an apparent change in wind direction, and as police confirmed the highly toxic chemical sodium cyanide was found near the site. A man was found alive 50m from the blast core, Xinhua news agency said.Eighty-five people are now known to have died in the giant blasts in the north-east Chinese port on Wednesday.The order...


11 years ago


Keep your BP under control

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is one of the most common diseases in Africa. Most medical cases involving kidney problems, strokes and heart attacks may have a link to this condition.


11 years ago


More must be done if we are to control disasters

Rain tends to do immense damage to Tanzania’s infrastructure. It causes death to people as well, while destroying property.


10 years ago


I just can’t control my jealousy

Many of my past relationships have failed because of jealousy. My fiancee and I have been fighting a fair deal these last few weeks and it’s almost a month before our wedding.


11 years ago


You can control your asthma

An old proverb says “Knowledge is power”, and this is a hundred per cent true when we speak of asthma. The more you know about this condition, the causes or symptoms and how to prevent them, the better. You will be able to take care of yourself and as a result, the healthier you will be in general.


11 years ago

Legalbrief (Subscription)

Mugabe 'very much in control'

Nehanda Radio
Mugabe 'very much in control'
Legalbrief (subscription)
The EU's top envoy in Harare has rejected opposition claims that Zimbabwe was in the throes of a perilous leadership crisis, insisting President Robert Mugabe is 'very much in control' of the struggling country. According to a report on the ...
Economy, factor to sport performanceBulawayo24
Dell Arricia dubbed “Mugabe's EU cheerleader”SW Radio Africa
Dokora a square peg in a round holeThe Zimbabwe...


11 years ago



In a recent writing, I mentioned about the rise of cybercrimes in Ghana. I mentioned about Ghana Vice-President Kwesi Amissah-Arthur who has urged ISPs to put in place effective measures to combat internet fraud, amid rapidly increasingly cybercrime. Full Detail on this can be read "HERE".
Barely two weeks after Ghana Vice-President Kwesi Amissah-Arthur called on young people not to get involved in illegal internet activities, police arrested a 26-year-old undergraduate student for allegedly...



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