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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Data on same sex relations are vital in HIV prevention efforts

Cuthbert Maendaenda By Frank Aman Tanzania must step up measures to document the number of men having sex with other men (MSM) as part of its HIV prevention efforts, especially among the youth, health stakeholders have said warning that 70 per cent of new sexual infections occur among young men who have sex with other men, those in sex work and among drug abusers. The call was made late last week at a three-day workshop on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) held in...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

New study highlights need to scale up violence prevention efforts globally


Only 15% of countries in Africa have mental health services

The Global status report on violence prevention 2014 reveals that 475 000 people were murdered in 2012, and homicide is the third leading cause of death globally for males aged 15-44 years, highlighting the urgent need for more decisive action to prevent violence.

Despite indications that homicide rates decreased by 16% globally between 2000 and 2012, violence remains widespread. Non-fatal acts of violence take a particular toll on...


11 years ago


Uganda's HIV-prevention law 'flawed'

A bill passed by MPs in Uganda which criminalises the transmission of HIV is criticised by campaigners as impeding the fight against Aids.


10 years ago


Close work relations vital for development of education sector

Close work relations vital for development of education sector - expert
Close working relations between teachers and students and utilising enough hours on teaching have been singled out as among crucial requisites for development of Tanzania's education sector. The founder of a private secondary school, Thomas More ...


10 years ago


Positive HIV culture vital

Cruel as it may seem, granting the wish of a stubborn child who insists on being given a razorblade to play with, might be the best way of informing him, after he gets cut, that the thing is not a toy.


10 years ago


Hagel Unveils Efforts to Fight Sex Assault in US Military

Hagel Unveils Efforts to Fight Sex Assault in US Military
All information reproduced on the Web pages of (including articles, images, photographs, and logos) is protected by intellectual property rights owned by® Inc. or, in certain cases, by its author. Any reproduction of the ...


10 years ago


Migration data collection vital in national development planning

Migration data collection vital in national development planning
The data of Tanzanians in Diaspora has to be well collected, managed and controlled so as to ensure that they contribute more and more in the country's income. The recent statistics released by the World Bank shows that Tanzanians in Diaspora contribute ...


10 years ago


Correct data vital for quality education planning, delivery

Correct data vital for quality education planning, delivery
Sometimes in March, 2011, it was reported in one local newspaper in Tanzania that Humphrey Moshi, an Economics Professor at the University of Dar es Salaam, said that “the Government's economic assessment data are not pragmatic and are not informed ...


11 years ago


First Lady calls for concerted efforts to curb spread of HIV

 About 80 per cent of HIV positive children under 15 years of age in the country were infected through mother to child transmission, according to First Lady Salma Kikwete.



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