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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


DC Orders Officers Locked Up for Six Hours

DC Orders Officers Locked Up for Six Hours
Dar es Salaam — Kinondoni DC Paul Makonda yesterday ordered 20 civil servants locked up for six hours for coming late for a task, an act that was immediately dismissed as abuse of powers of his office. Mr Makonda was incensed that the officials from ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


DC orders officers locked up for 6hrs

Kinondoni DC Paul Makonda yesterday ordered 20 civil servants locked up for six hours for coming late for a task, an act that was immediately dismissed as abuse of powers of his office.


10 years ago


Abide by ethics and police general orders, Kova counsels officers

>The police must abide by their General Orders (PGO) in the course of their duties to restore the lost public trust and confidence, Dar es Salaam police boss Suleiman Kova said yesterday.


11 years ago


Lukuvi wants journalists locked out

>Journalists should be locked out of Constituent Assembly committee meetings, a member said yesterday.


11 years ago


Africa locked again into colonialism

>The rich nations have, at time, compromised the integrity of the UN by using it to undermine legitimate governments which are not supportive to Western efforts to infiltrate and control their economies.


11 years ago


Cyclists may be locked out of Glasgow games

The participation of two cyclists in the Commonwealth Games is hanging in balance following the failure of the athletes to secure visa.


9 years ago


Varsity students locked out of polls

Some higher learning institutions’ students in Dar es Salaam will be locked out of October General Election after they failed to register because the exercise started in Dar es Salaam when they were already on holidays. Speaking in Dar es Salaam during a symposium, which brought together higher learning students to discuss the role of young people in election, they expressed their anger towards the National Electoral Commission (NEC) for not considering students when preparing the...


9 years ago


University students to be locked out of elections

The perpetual problem of higher education students failing to vote in general elections is likely to recur this year, affecting nearly 200,000 young men and women. News that public universities will not re-open until after the General Election on October 25 is likely to deal a blow to the campaign teams banking on the youth to carry the day in the polls.


10 years ago


Farmers, livestock keepers locked out of banks

Only a fraction of farmers and agribusinesses in Tanzania are served by the commercial banks despite advances made in the use of mobile technology in financial transactions.


9 years ago

BBC News

Tanzania civil servants locked up for lateness

BBC News
Tanzania civil servants locked up for lateness
BBC News
Rights activists in Tanzania have condemned the decision of a district commissioner to lock up civil servants for coming to work late. Paul Makonda ordered police in the Kinondoni area of the main city, Dar es Salaam, to detain 20 workers after they ...
DC Orders Officers Locked Up for Six

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