
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Districts race to beat school laboratory deadline

Districts race to beat school laboratory deadline
Daily News
THE government strategy for each public secondary school across the country to construct Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratories by November, this year, faces a number of obstacles as some districts here vow to meet the deadline. Sengerema and ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


COVER: Struggling to beat school labs deadline

>In a rush against time, sounds of a hammer driving a nail into wood fills the air momentarily. We take a quick glance around the compound and we see men in overalls mixing cement and sand.


10 years ago

Daily News

Four presidential aspirants fail to beat deadline

Four presidential aspirants fail to beat deadline
Daily News
FOUR aspirants seeking Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)'s approval to fly its flag in the October elections failed to meet Thursday's presidential nomination forms submission deadline. The Party's Deputy Secretary General (Mainland) Mr Rajab Luhwavi, told ...


10 years ago


48 Countries Beat Digital Migration Deadline

48 Countries Beat Digital Migration Deadline
FORTY-eight nations, out of the 119 member countries of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), have successfully transit from analogue to digital migration. The deadline date was June 17, 2015. It was a date agreed to by ITU and member ...


10 years ago


JK’s school labs deadline ‘a bitter pill’

President Jakaya Kikwete’s directive that each government secondary school should have science laboratories has turned a bitter pill to many local authorities as some are forced to reallocate their budgets so as to build the facilities.


10 years ago


RC: Hand in school labs a month before deadline

>All district councils in Manyara Region have been directed to complete the construction of science laboratories in public secondary schools within three months.


10 years ago


College Starts Churning Out Laboratory Technicians

College Starts Churning Out Laboratory Technicians
Arusha — AS ward secondary schools around the country are busy constructing science laboratories, Arusha Technical College, which has been given the mandate of training lab technicians, has produced nearly 60 new ones. The 56 new graduates who ...


10 years ago


Kenya opens anti-poaching laboratory

A forensic laboratory opens in Kenya that will build up a DNA database of wild animals to help secure successful prosecutions of poachers


11 years ago


VIDEO: Inside a laboratory battling Ebola

Global Health Correspondent Tulip Mazumdar takes a look around a makeshift laboratory trying to battle the Ebola outbreak in Guinea.


9 years ago


Muhas launches genetics laboratory No other EAC country has a lab of this ...

Muhas launches genetics laboratory No other EAC country has a lab of this ...
Dar es salaam based Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) yesterday launched a new Genetics Laboratory to be used in research on genetic disorders, diagnostic services and teaching at the university. The establishment of the ...



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