
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Do we really need local authorities in Tanzania?

Our current Constitution of 1977 in Chapter Eight (Articles 145&146) creates public authorities commonly known as local government authorities. The main object of having these authorities is to transfer part of the central government powers to the people at all levels; that is to say in each region, district, urban area and village.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Include local authorities in new Katiba: call

>The Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (Alat) has prepared proposals in a bid to press for inclusion of devolution in the new Constitution.


10 years ago


Food suppliers to sue local authorities

The association of suppliers of food and other items to government institutions here has threatened to sue district councils for not paying them accumulated debts for about seven years.


10 years ago

Daily News

Local govt authorities told to go electronic

Local govt authorities told to go electronic
Daily News
LOCAL government authorities countrywide have been advised to adopt the electronic revenue collection system, to boost returns and control the habitual carbon-paper cheats. Opening the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association of Local Authorities in ...


10 years ago


Local authorities seek autonomy in revenue

>The Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania (Alat) wants to be given more autonomy that will enable local councils countrywide to collect more revenue.


10 years ago

Daily News

Help fund schools, Kombani urges local authorities

Help fund schools, Kombani urges local authorities
Daily News
MINISTER of State in President's Office (Public Service Management) Celina Kombani has urged local authorities countrywide to allocate three per cent of their annual revenues to boost education funds in their respective areas. Ms Kombani noted that since ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Local governments' decisions 'valued by higher authorities'

Local governments' decisions 'valued by higher authorities'
Daily News
THE government has insisted that it would not interfere with the legal decisions made by local governments in various development agenda. This was said in the National Assembly here yesterday by the Deputy Minister of State, Prime Minister's Office ...


9 years ago


NEEC appeals to grassroots groups to register with local authorities

NEEC appeals to grassroots groups to register with local authorities
The National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC) has appealed to grassroots groups to register with local authorities in order to be recognised by the government. Opening a meeting of stakeholders who were discussing a draft manual devoted to ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Set yearly disaster budgets, local authorities urged

Set yearly disaster budgets, local authorities urged
Daily News
THE Disaster Management Department has advised district councils in the country to set budgets for tragedies every financial year instead of relying on the Central Government. The Coordinator of the Disaster Management Department in the Prime Minister's ...


10 years ago


CAG 2013/14 REPORT: Local authorities in Sh40bn cases

>Controller and Auditor General (CAG) has cautioned over the increase of court cases against local government authorities (LGAs) saying if they are not checked, litigations will in due course gretly hamper heir service delivery to the people.



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