Dolutegravir-based HIV treatment is the safest and most effective choice for pregnant women
Dolutegravir-based HIV treatment is the safest and most effective choice for pregnant women aidsmap
Habari Zinazoendana
5 years ago
Medical Xpress12 Mar
Newer anti-HIV drugs safest, most effective during pregnancy
Newer anti-HIV drugs safest, most effective during pregnancy Medical Xpress
10 years ago
TheCitizen30 Nov
Eliminating paediatric HIV through testing, treatment
Josephat Lukwaro, 19, discovered he was HIV positive at age 15, nine years after his mother succumbed to Aids in 2001. Josephat had been having severe headaches and was seriously ill when he was taken to Gonja hospital in Same district, Kilimanjaro region where he was diagnosed with HIV.
5 years ago
Crisis in childhood HIV treatment in western and central Africa
Crisis in childhood HIV treatment in western and central Africa UNAIDSFor African women at risk of HIV, a woke world is still sound asleep STATView Full coverage on Google News
10 years ago
Dewji Blog14 Jul
9 years ago
TheCitizen18 Aug
Ebola threatens pregnant women
Sierra Leone lost an estimated seven per cent of its nurses and midwives to Ebola, according to a World Bank report
10 years ago
BBCVIDEO: Pregnant women more at risk of Ebola
The first ever Ebola treatment centre which specialises in caring for pregnant women has opened, the BBC's Tulip Mazumdar has been given special access to the centre
10 years ago
BBCEbola care centre for pregnant women
First treatment centre specialising in care for pregnant women opens
10 years ago
TheCitizen07 Feb
COVER: A safe haven for pregnant women
>Natasha Bhagat has established a rewarding friendship with expectant mothers and hospital staff at Temeke District Hospital; this has happened because of her passionate and caring heart which has seen her build a postnatal ward aimed at caring for mothers and their babies after giving birth.
5 years ago
UNAIDS and China working together during the COVID-19 outbreak to ensure that people living with HIV continue to get treatment
UNAIDS and China working together during the COVID-19 outbreak to ensure that people living with HIV continue to get treatment UNAIDS
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania