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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Donors to release Sh80bn of budget

>Tanzania’s Development Partners have agreed to release a further $44 million (about Sh80 billion) through the General Budget Support (GBS) after they were satisfied by measures taken over the Tegeta escrow account scam.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Donors release nearly Sh26bn in budget support

>Donors have released $15 million (Sh25.8 billion) of the $558 million (Sh959 billion) budget support they withheld over the Tegeta escrow account scam. The money was sent in December, according to a statement by the Development Partners Group Tanzania.


10 years ago


Donors agree to release $44 million of aid to Tanzania

Donors agree to release $44 million of aid to Tanzania
DAR ES SALAAM, March 12 (Reuters) - Donors have agreed to release part of the $500 million of promised budget support to Tanzania that was withheld after an energy sector graft scandal that led to three cabinet ministers resigning. The donor group ...


10 years ago


Tanzania international donors agree to release US $44 million

Tanzania international donors agree to release US $44 million
DAR ES SALAAM Tanzania (Xinhua) -- Tanzania's international donors have said that they have agreed to release a further 44 million U.S. dollars through the general budget support (GBS) as they were satisfied with steps taken over the energy graft scandal.
Government commissions study into Air Tanzania's revampch-aviation
Donors agree to release $44 million of aid to TanzaniaReuters

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10 years ago


Tanzania's international donors agree to release $44 million
Tanzania's international donors agree to release $44 million
Tanzania's international donors said on Thursday that they have agreed to release a further 44 million U.S. dollars through the general budget support (GBS) as they were satisfied with steps taken over the energy graft scandal. dollars. The newly release ...
Tanzania international donors agree to release US $44 millionCoastweek
Government commissions study into Air Tanzania's revampch-aviation
Donors agree to...


11 years ago


Donors give Sh904bn for new budget

Donors in the General Budget Support (GBS) lobby have promised slightly more than half a billion dollars in direct financial support for the government in the next financial year.


10 years ago

East African Business Week

Donors to fund bulk of EAC budget

East African Business Week
Donors to fund bulk of EAC budget
East African Business Week
PROGRESS: The tendency of having numerous road blocks long East Africa's main transit routes has substantially reduced due in part to the political will of the regional heads of State. COURTESY PHOTO. ARUSHA, Tanzania - Development partners are to ...
EAC Tables US$110 Million Budget to Regional
Set to align tourism laws: East African Community member stateseTurboNews
EAC tables over 100...


10 years ago


How will the govt plug budget hole left by donors?

>Government funding of critical projects and programmes could be disrupted following the decision by key donors to withhold $558 million (about Sh950 billion) in budget support over corruption concerns.


10 years ago

Corruption ...

Restoration of budget support by donors repairs government's anti

IHS Jane's 360
Restoration of budget support by donors repairs government's anti-corruption ...
IHS Jane's 360
On 11 March, Tanzania's finance minister Saada Mkuya confirmed that the country's development partners will resume their budgetary support programme imminently. Tanzanian president Jakaya Kikwete attends an East Africa Community (EAC) Heads of ...


10 years ago


Govt fails to release budget reports

Govt fails to release budget reports
Failure by the government to release budget reports to its citizens has limited access of information to the majority citizens in making follow-ups about the country's development projects. THE Open Budget Survey (OBS) tracker being managed by International ...
Need to establish public money expenditure networkDaily News

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