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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Don’t shun CA, Forum advises Ukawa

The Tanzania Constitution Forum (TCF) has asked the Coalition of the People’s Constitution (Ukawa) to return to the Constituent Assembly (CA) when it resumes on August 5.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

…Forum urges members to shun personal interests

…Forum urges members to shun personal interests
Daily News
MEMBERS of the constituent assembly, now in its formation stages, have been called upon to embrace patriotism and put aside personal interests in the task of improving the draft. A forum of academicians, opinion leaders, professionals, religious leaders and ...
Heroin haul in Tanzania valued at $5.5 millionSabahi Online

all 3


10 years ago


US advises against Ebola isolation

US officials will actively monitor health workers who treat Ebola patients in West Africa after they return, but will not enforce quarantine.


11 years ago


Dr Mengi advises youths to use available opportunities

Dr Mengi advises youths to use available opportunities
Youth in Tanzania are again reminded and encouraged to adopt a more proactive approach to economic liberation and utilize available business opportunities in their locales. IPP Executive Chairman Dr Reginald Mengi gave the advice yesterday in Dar es ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Embrace e-commerce: Kaymu advises


Ecommerce is commonly known as business that is conducted over the Internet using any of the applications that rely on the Internet, such as e-mail, instant messaging, social media, websites etc. This kind of trading can be between two businesses transmitting funds, goods, services or between a business and a customer. Today Technology is changing Tanzania – the way we live, work, educate ourselves, buy goods and services and transfer money are all done through the internet and the main aim...


11 years ago


EU advises Portugal on new credit programme

>European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said earlier this week taking a precautionary credit line would boost confidence in Portugal once it finishes its EU-IMF rescue later this year.


9 years ago


Why did voters shun the by-election?

 It was yet another Chadema hour to rule Arusha as the opposition party trounced the ruling CCM in Sunday’s by-election for the Urban constituency’s parliamentary seat.


11 years ago


Shun backward beliefs

A report presented recently at a workshop in Moshi shows that we have people who link autism – a mental condition in which a person finds it very difficult to communicate or form relationships with others – to witchcraft.


10 years ago


Insure your homes now, firm advises Tanzanians

>Private home insurance is a new thing in Tanzania yet some real estate players believe a protecting property against risks like fire, theft and some weather and unpredictable disasters is the best way to create a stable population.


9 years ago

Daily Sun

Jonathan advises Tanzanians on need for peaceful polls

Daily Sun
Jonathan advises Tanzanians on need for peaceful polls
Daily Sun
Former president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan yesterday advised the Tanzanian National Electoral Commission, political parties and civil societies to ensure peaceful and transparent electoral process. Jonathan gave the advice on arrival as the chairperson of ...



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