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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Draft constitution good for business growth, says TPSF

The second draft constitution is good for business growth, says the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF).


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Sabahi Online

Tanzania Constitution Forum seeks draft constitution distributed before referendum

Tanzania Constitution Forum seeks draft constitution distributed before referendum
Sabahi Online
The Tanzania Constitution Forum (TCF) has called on the government to distribute copies of the draft constitution before it goes to a vote in the March referendum, Tanzania's Daily News reported Tuesday (December 30th).
Call for mass dtribution of recommended Katiba copiesDaily News
TCF Deputy Chairman, Hebron MwakagendaIPPmedia

all 3


10 years ago


Constitution Forum Seeks Draft Constitution Distributed Before Referendum

Constitution Forum Seeks Draft Constitution Distributed Before Referendum
The Tanzania Constitution Forum (TCF) has called on the government to distribute copies of the draft constitution before it goes to a vote in the March referendum, Tanzania's Daily News reported Tuesday (December 30th). "We have asked the Ministry of ...
Call for mass dtribution of recommended Katiba copiesDaily News
TCF Deputy Chairman, Hebron MwakagendaIPPmedia

all 4


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS : Study shows there’s good business in human waste!

Today is World Toilet Day… Cheers! The banner ‘Toilets save lives’ might sound mundane, far-fetched... Or, at best: a smart-alecky trader’s way of drawing attention to toilet-related ware be fobbed off upon unwary prospective customers…! 


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS: Retiring from Tanzania’s presidency is good business

Seemingly for the umpteenth time, Tanzania’s major partners-in-development have come out in lavish praise for what they described as peaceful, stable transition from one govt to another.


11 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS: Why ‘resources, good policies’ not working

>It’s been said time and again that Tanzania is phenomenally-endowed with natural and other resources. (Yet, the country is home to among the world’s twenty poorest peoples. About 36 per cent of its 45 million-strong population lives and dies in abject poverty more than half a century after the country attained independence (?) from foreign rule!)


10 years ago

Daily News

Good CCM show is good for business

Times LIVE
Good CCM show is good for business
Daily News
THE ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) was last week engaged in the process of nomination of its candidate to run for president of the United Republic in the forthcoming general election scheduled for October 25. The process was initially shrouded in an ...
Savouring the Beauty of CCM
Tanzania's ruling party picks works minister for presidential raceReuters Africa
Kikwete's likely successorTimes LIVE
all 188


10 years ago

Daily News

Isles for CA proposed draft constitution

Daily News
Isles for CA proposed draft constitution
Daily News
Addressing a press conference, Zanzibar's Second Vice president Ambassador Seif Ali Iddi said almost all the 17 proposals from the Isles have been included in the Draft, leave alone two issues on land division and the quota needed from Zanzibar while ...


10 years ago


JK to receive draft Constitution today

JK to receive draft Constitution today
The final draft of the proposed new Constitution will today be officially handed over to President Jakaya Kikwete. At the handover along with the President will be his counterpart Dr Ali Mohammed Shein and other invited guests including members of ...



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