
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Drop the bad Bills: call

Dodoma. Pressure is mounting on the government to withdraw the Petroleum Bill, 2015 and the Oil and Gas Revenue Management Bill, 2015 that are set for tabling in the ongoing parliamentary session.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Cybercrime and Statistics bills bad for Tanzania.

Cybercrime and Statistics bills bad for Tanzania.
UN Country Resident Coordinator Alvaro Rodriguez (R) visits Pambazuko FM community radio studio in Ifakara District Morogoro Region over the weekend. UN supports community radio in disseminating information to the Tanzanian community. (Photo: ...


9 years ago


Why raising water bills presently is in bad taste

Residents of Dar es Salaam and Coast regions are going to pay a lot more for water effective this month, going by last month’s announcement by the Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation (Dawasco).


11 years ago


DANIEL BYMAN: Choosing between bad guys and bad govt

>In the fight against jihadist insurgents across the planet, the United States can offer its partners a lot of help: arms and intelligence, training for local security forces, economic aid, and in extreme cases, air strikes to take out the bad guys.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Prof. Mbarawa Launches “Rumble In The Jungle” A call to action for African with leadership qualities to Rise to the call Of duty


Hon. ambassador Mwaidi Sinare Maajar followed by honorable Minister of Science and Communication, Prof Makame Mbarawa together with the author Mr. Norman Moyo beating the drums marking the unveiling of the book “Rumble in the Jungle” to the invited guests, the event took place at the Hyatt Hotel, far right is the MC of the event, Taji Liundi.

A Tanzanian based telecommunications executive, Norman Moyo, CEO of Helios Towers Tanzania launched his first leadership book called Rumble in the...


10 years ago


Four Eala Bills for discussion

There will be no time to waste when the East African Legislative Assembly (Eala) reconvenes here for its routine sitting from tommorrow.


10 years ago


Plot over three bills revealed

A commotion erupted in Parliament yesterday following the government’s attempt to push for the endorsement of three crucial bills that have been widely criticised.


11 years ago

Daily News

Two information bills on horizon

Daily News
Two information bills on horizon
Daily News
THE Right to Information and Media Service Law Bills should put into consideration the need for a deserved health insurance to journalists, Members of Parliament have demanded. Ms Maryam Msabaha (Special Seats - Chadema) said this in the National ...


10 years ago


Two media bills now withdrawn.

Two media bills now withdrawn.
The government has withdrawn two media bills which were scheduled to be tabled in the parliament under the certificates of urgency on Tuesday next week. The two Bills that were expected to be tabled under certificate of urgency are the Media Services Bill ...



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