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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Dual citizenship is Good for Tanzania - IDDI SANDALY

Tanzania’s constitution is one of the surviving few that make a natural born citizen revoke his/her citizenship upon naturalization in another country.  Ironically, foreign nationals from other countries can naturalize as Tanzanians and maintain their origin country’s citizenship, but the same is not permitted for natural born Tanzanians. 

My fellow Tanzanians need to know this:

A person could be born in Tanzania, then leave Tanzaniato go to England, and then become a British citizen. ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Why dual citizenship now crucial issue in Tanzania

 One of the crucial issues facing the constitution making process now is on whether this is the right time for Tanzania to allow dual citizenship or not.


11 years ago


Dual citizenship in Tanzania and the Diaspora Alternative point of views to framing the topic and associated arguments

I would like to provide alternative point of views about the way to frame the advantages of dual citizenship and hence contribute to the on-going narrative about the same.
First, I would like to make it clear that I support dual citizenship but the reasoning that have been put forward so far in support of it just do not make sense.  To my knowledge, the proponents of dual citizenship have put forward among others, two major points, in support of their position.  That a) It will facilitate...


11 years ago


A Call for Dual Citizenship

I have read many opinions by Tanzanians on dual citizenship. What I have learned from what Tanzanians write on this topic is that the majority of Tanzanians living abroad want dual citizenship to be included in the new constitution.  In spite of the different opinions Tanzanians may have, one of the issues that Tanzanians agree on is the issue of dual citizenship. However, there is still a need to educate the masses about the benefits of dual citizenship.   In other words, many Tanzanians...


11 years ago


The Case for Dual Citizenship

By Hassan Saudin The current debate on dual citizenship in Tanzania has come to a crucial juncture now that the Constitutional Assembly has begun deliberations on the draft constitution. Tanzanians are eagerly following-up developments emanating from Dodoma, particularly on issues that concern them the most,  and one topic of contention that directly touches millions Tanzanians in the diaspora is that of dual citizenship. The basis of apprehension by those who oppose dual citizenship ought...


10 years ago


No hope for dual citizenship

A representative of Tanzanians in the Diaspora in the Constituent Assembly (CA), Mr Kadari Singo, said on Friday that there is no hope that dual citizenship would be introduced in the the country.


11 years ago


Dual Citizenship Now On Horizon

Dual Citizenship Now On Horizon
Dodoma — THE Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Ministry, through its Diaspora Directorate, is conducting a research on the exact number of Tanzanians abroad and their specializations as part of the preparations for the dual citizenship initiative.


11 years ago


Why dual citizenship ‘non-issue’

Most of the Tanzanians living and working abroad were eagerly waiting to see the final Draft Constitution providing for dual citizenship following their long time request.


10 years ago



Timu ya Vijimambo inakutakia happy Birthday. Tunakuombea mungu akupe afya njema na uendeleze moyo wako huo wa kujitolea kwa wana DMV na Diaspora kwa ujumla.



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