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EAC political federation still a distant dream

The Standard Digital News
EAC political federation still a distant dream
Daily News
IT is still a long way before the East African Community hatches its targeted political federation but setting up federal security forces such as an East African army or police force can always be considered, even on temporary basis. The Chairman of the East ...
President Kenyatta: EAC teamwork necessary in war on poachingIPPmedia
How Kenya took on the International Criminal CourtGlobalPost
Uhuru - Poaching,...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


MUSINGS: Gender Equality is some distant day dream!

>Certain things just chose to happen when you least expected them, a friend has been accused of gender violence because he disciplined his mischievous wife.


10 years ago

Tanzanians Not Keen On EA Political Federation

Tanzanians Not Keen On EA Political Federation- - Study
Majority of Tanzanians, while supporting the East African Cooperation, are vehemently opposing the proposed political federation that would lead into a single East African Country and one president. That is what among the findings from the recent research ...


9 years ago

Kenya Broadcasting Corporation

Ethuro says EA political federation to enhance integration

Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
Ethuro says EA political federation to enhance integration
Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
Senate Speaker Ekwe Ethuro says a political federation for the East Africa region will enhance integration and address issues of ethnicity among member countries. His sentiments were echoed by East Africa Legislative Assembly Speaker Dan Kidega who ...
General Motors wants EAC import rules enforced fasterCapital FM Kenya (press release) (blog)
Kenya, Tanzania Step Up War On...


10 years ago


OBBO: The region’s armies are ‘smart’: They are creating a political federation

>A headline in Daily Nation said that “KDF troops set to join regional standby force”. The Kenya Defence Forces, it reports, is set to get approval to contribute troops to the East Africa Standby Force (EASF).


11 years ago


Way forward to EAC federation

The East African Community (EAC) partner states will have to amend their constitutions to allow for the envisaged political federation in the bloc, experts have recommended.


10 years ago



The Secretary-General of the East African Community (EAC) and European Union Ambassadors accredited to the United Republic of Tanzania held a Political Dialogue meeting on 11 February 2015 in Arusha, the United Republic of Tanzania.
The political dialogue takes place within the framework of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement between the EU and the African, Caribbean and Pacific states, to which the Regional Organisations are associated. The meeting was co-chaired by Ambassador Dr. Richard...


9 years ago


EAC should say something on Burundi political crisis

An ominous cloud has hung over Burundi ever since Mr Pierre Nkurunziza was sworn in as president for a controversial third term in August. The re-election campaign was bloody and the man even survived a coup attempt.


10 years ago


Tanzania outshines EAC partners on political risk

Tanzania has the lowest level of political risk in East Africa, a new study shows even as recent happenings may dent the country’s image to investors.


11 years ago

New Vision

EAC leaders direct on political federationPublish Date: Apr 30, 2014

New Vision
EAC leaders direct on political federationPublish Date: Apr 30, 2014
New Vision
REGIONAL leaders under East African Community (EAC) bloc on Wednesday made a string of recommendations and reviews about progress towards political federation, with the heads of states present directing the council to initiate a process of drafting a ...
President Uhuru Kenyatta asks EAC members to prepare to adopt single currencyThe Standard Digital News
Tanzania: EAC leaders take first step to...



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