The East African Community Ministers’ responsible for Tourism have assured the global tourism industry that the region is safe and secured.
In a statement at the ITB Trade Fair in Berlin, Germany, the Minister of State for Tourism, Wildlife and Heritage of the Republic of Uganda, Hon. Agnes Akiror Egunyu said that despite several challenges, the region has agreed to tackle negative travel advisories targeting the region collectively.
She emphasized that Ministers responsible for Tourism...
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
EAC AT WORLD TRAVEL MARKET IN LONDON: East Africa is a Safe and Ebola Free Destination, EAC Tells WTM
The five Partner States are being lead by Chairperson of the EAC Council of Ministers, Hon. Phyllis Kandie, who is also Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of East African Affairs, Commerce and Tourism, while Hon. Jesca Eriyo, the EAC Deputy Secretary General (Productive and Social Sectors)...
10 years ago
IPPmedia27 Feb
Tanzanian delegation to take part in International Tourism Fair Berlin
A Tanzanian delegation will travel to Berlin, German to participate in the International Tourism Fair (ITB) to be held in the first week of March. The ITB is the world's leading travel trade show with over 10,000 exhibitors from 180 countries and is visited by more ...
India Forum on Inbound Tourism, female travellers to be organised at ITB Berlin ...TravelBizMonitor (press release) (registration)
all 2
10 years ago
TheCitizen03 May
EDITORIAL: EAC must secure peace in Burundi for stability
9 years ago
Dewji Blog26 Nov
Boosting Tanzania’s tourism industry – way forward
“The number of tourist attractions we have in the country is great however what matters is the manner in which we use the beautiful attractions to bring more tourists into the country and how the state policies promote the tourism industry inside and outside the country”
The 2015 Global Travel and Tourism report ranks Tanzania in the 93rd position, Kenya as 78th while South Africa is ranked 48th. Despite being among the top 10 countries with the most UNESCO-designated heritage sites,...
10 years ago
VIDEO: 'Tunisia tourism industry is dead'
10 years ago
ETurboNews10 May
Tanzania: Second tourism show because supported by the entire travel industry
'What on earth for do we need another tourism show just days after East Africa's biggest regional show has taken place' asked a well-placed source from Arusha, where from 29th of May until 31st of May the annual Karibu Travel Market Tanzania 2015 is ...
10 years ago
IPPmedia18 Dec
Former guerilla fighters' camps in Tanzania niche in tourism industry
Experts said on Tuesday that former guerrilla camps used by Africa's liberation movements against colonial rules while in exile could help to boost the continent's tourism sector. British Institute East Africa (BIEA) Researcher Tomas Zak told a forum in Nairobi ...
10 years ago
TheCitizen18 Jan
To Tanzanian, Kenyan leaders: Don’t destroy tourism industry
10 years ago
TheCitizen09 Aug
EAC gets $2bn from creative industry: SG