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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


ECONOMICS MADE SIMPLE: Comments on national economic goals in proposed constitution

>The month of September 2014 will go down in history as the month in which the draft proposed Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania was released. Needless to say, the new Constitution-making process has been full of controversies as has been some of its contents.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


ECONOMICS MADE SIMPLE: Resource mobilisation for sustainable development goals

The year 2015 was a time during which 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations Summit in September 2015.


9 years ago


ECONOMICS MADE SIMPLE: Why there’s need to go beyond austerity economic measures

The coming to office of President John Magufuli has been marked and characterised by a number of new things. These include some surprises and shockers. Indeed, surprises seem to be his way of doing things.


10 years ago


ECONOMICS MADE SIMPLE: Proposed fundamental law misses out significant functions of BoT

>The Proposed Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania may become a new mother law if accepted by the people in a referendum. Whether it will be accepted or not, our professional and moral responsibility to discuss it remains intact.


10 years ago


ECONOMICS MADE SIMPLE: Perspectives of Greece’s July rejection of austerity economics

>Greece economy has been struggling for a while. Among other things, it was at the centre stage of the 2010 eurozone sovereign debt crisis and had to be bailed out by its fellow euro zone states. In 2015 in general and the week leading to June 31 in particular Greece had to settle its colossal debts. It defaulted and once again needed to be conditionally bailed out.


10 years ago


ECONOMIC MADE SIMPLE: Economic perspectives on weakening Tanzanian shilling

>Tanzanian shilling has been declining in relation to the major global currencies such as the US dollar in the recent past. In the week starting January 19, 2015 we observed the exchange rate of $1 for over Sh1,800.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Economics Made Simple - Resource Mobilisation for Sustainable ...

Tanzania: Economics Made Simple - Resource Mobilisation for Sustainable ...
The year 2015 was a time during which 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations Summit in September 2015. These are the much-awaited post-2015 agenda after coming to end of the Millennium Development Goals ...


11 years ago


ECONOMICS MADE SIMPLE: US dollar in TZ: Dollarisation, old notes, small denominations

>Scholars of economics in general and its international economics branch in particular will recognise that Tanzania, as is the case in many other countries, is not a country in autarky. To the contrary, it is an open economy that transacts with the rest of the world (ROW).


11 years ago


ECONOMICS MADE SIMPLE: Towards fixing what’s broken in WB’s non-job creation report

>The very educative and informative 5th World Bank (WB) Economic Update for Tanzania report was released on June 24. The 84-page report is titled ‘Who Wants a Job? The Magnetic Power of Cities’. Part One dwells on the state of the economy, including recent developments, short to medium-term prospects and the next challenge of creating jobs for faster and more equitable growth.


10 years ago


ECONOMICS MADE SIMPLE: From availability of investment finance to access challenges

>As the Finance and Investment Week  is celebrated in Tanzania this September, there is a need to discuss, inter alia, the state of affairs in these matters. In order to appreciate the current situation of availability and accessibility to finance in Tanzania, it is important to go back in history.



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