EDITORIAL: MP wrong to embrace witchcraft in this age
At a media briefing at a hospital in Arusha, he said the sudden change of weather during the flight led him to believe that dark forces had been at work against him.
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen19 Jan
EDITORIAL: Witchcraft: Go beyond ban
>The superstition angle in the recent arrest of a suspected hardcore criminal in Mwanza merits reflection. Besides a gun and ammunition, police found body parts at his home. Suspicions that many robbers count on witchcraft to facilitate success of their evil missions are rife.
10 years ago
TheCitizen29 Apr
EDITORIAL: Witchcraft: Change needed
>Yesterday, we reported that Chimedeli villagers in Bahi District, Dodoma Region, have vowed not to stop consulting witchdoctors, for they have been seeing them for a long time and their problems had been solved.
10 years ago
TheCitizen13 Apr
EDITORIAL: Embrace Sokoine style for our nation’s good
>It is a safe guess, that, were it not for media reports that jolted memories, very few people would have remembered that, yesterday was the 31st anniversary of the death of Edward Moringe Sokoine.
10 years ago
TheCitizen02 Feb
EDITORIAL: Banning witchcraft won’t work, just educate people
>A report released by a global organisation The Pew Research Centre April 15, 2010 named Tanzanians as the most superstitious in Africa.
10 years ago
TheCitizen21 Oct
EDITORIAL: Linking presidency to youthfulness wrong
>The Kikwete succession race is on in earnest, especially within the ruling CCM. So far, a dozen or so senior party members have expressed, implicitly or explicitly, their interest in the country’s senior-most political job.
11 years ago
TheCitizen28 Jul
OPANGA: There’s right and wrong. Israel is wrong
>You are either with the Palestinians or with Israel. I am with the Palestinians. Look, Israel has elastic borders, which it extends outwards at the slightest pretext and totally and utterly in disregard of international opinion or law. It occupies the land of the Palestinians, builds settlements on it and imposes a land, air and sea blockade against Gaza.
10 years ago
Deputy Minister For East African Cooperation15 Sep
Embrace Kiswahili
East African Business Week
DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania - East Africans should embrace Kiswahili in a bid to promote regional unity. Dr. Abdulla Saadala, the Tanzanai Deputy Minister for East African Cooperation said, “We need to take the unique moment to champion Kiswahili, we can ...
11 years ago
TheCitizen11 Jul
Appeal to embrace irrigation
>The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives has been called upon to intensify irrigation farming education in efforts to increase productivity and ensure food security.
11 years ago
AllAfrica.Com20 Mar
Why Tanzania Will Not Embrace EAC
There has been a vigorous debate in the op-ed columns of all major newspapers recently, pitting East African Affairs and Tourism Cabinet Secretary Phyllis Kandie; and an early-Moi-era political heavyweight, former AG Charles Njonjo. The subject has been ...
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Tanzania Today
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania