
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Co-ops in need of reforms

>The collapse of numerous cooperatives has given a bad name to organisations established with the best of interests. However, we cannot totally ignore the positive role played by co-operatives in boosting rural economies, empowering farmers, and giving them a strong voice to negotiate for a just return on their members’ investment.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Yes to transport reforms, no to change via thuggery

>The just-ended countrywide bus drivers’ strike, which held Tanzanians to ransom for over 30 hours, was a painful reminder to the perils of the free market economy.  Thousands of urbanites, among them those who ride a bus for a quarter of a kilometre trip and pay Sh400, had to walk up to 10km to work.


9 years ago


Magufuli: Stronger co-ops to be my aim

CCM presidential candidate John Magufuli yesterday promised that if elected his government will revive cotton farming.


11 years ago


Co-ops: Budget falls short of expectations

The Tanzania Federation of Cooperatives (TFC) says the 2014/2015 budget presented recently by the minister for Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives Mr Christopher Chiza, fell short of addressing three core challenges that smallholder farmers face.


11 years ago


Kikwete’s note to looted Co-ops: ‘No refund unless you sue your thieves’

Addressing a rally in Ruvuma Region on Tuesday, President Jakaya Kikwete said it’s disgraceful that some government officials have reached the extent in which they steal from the 


11 years ago


Two-day reprieve for Bunge ops committee draws the ire of Katiba representatives [VIDEO]

The move has not been heartily welcome by many members who have expressed their dissatisfaction, describing the move as a waste of time and taxpayers’ money.


11 years ago


Tunisia's entrepreneurs want reforms

Tunisia's entrepreneurs call for a raft of pro-business reforms


9 years ago

Daily News

Big up for JK over judiciary reforms

Big up for JK over judiciary reforms
Daily News
WE have often read in the newspapers or news agency reports of cases that have been decided long after the actual crime act was committed – if ever it had been committed at all! In the eyes of justice, everybody is innocent unless proven otherwise.


10 years ago

Daily News

Judiciary on course to major reforms

Judiciary on course to major reforms
Daily News
THE Judiciary undergoing some reforms that will, among other things, help to reduce unnecessary pre-trial detention of suspects in the country's remand prons. The reforms, according to the Chief Court Regtrar, Mr Ignas Kitusi, may lead to enactment of ...


9 years ago


Companies for reforms and unity

Companies participating in the Top 100 Mid-Sized firms are facing the challenge of forming a joint platform that will enable them to expand their businesses beyond Tanzania’s borders, the former Chairman of the East African Business Council, Mr Felix Mosha, has said.



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