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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Despite info tech, let us remain thinking animals

>Information technology must be the most significant development in modern history. It has made life easier in ways that were only in the domain of science fiction just slightly over 20 years ago.  We now boast the computer, Internet, mobile phone, smartphone and such other gadgets that have made today’s world most conveniently accessible— literally at the touch of a button.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Info-tech is great, but beware cyber crime

The world has gone hi-tech. Information technology (IT) rules the globe, now aptly referred to as a “global village”.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Without discipline, we will remain backward

>A story from the Lake Zone that we ran yesterday reveals how youths calling themselves travel agents at the Nzega Bus Terminal make life difficult for people trying to get tickets to various destinations.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Boost agriculture now or get ready to remain poor

What is more, our farmers continue to engage in old school forms of tilling the land. About 70 per cent of our farmers use the hoe. Inputs that would boost productivity per hectare, such as fertiliser and insecticides, are very minimal.


9 years ago


Thinking outside the job market

When Furahini Mmbakweni and Peter Lukumayi walked through the market areas surrounded by waste and rotted fruits in Dar es Salaam, what they saw was more than just the rotten fruits that attracted insects and bacteria; they saw an idea that needed to be grounded into reality.


10 years ago


So you’re thinking of buying a home ?

Most articles focus on the financial nuts and bolts of the things you should have in order before you consider buying a home. You’ve got to have good credit. You’ve got to have a down payment. You’ve got to know the housing market. And so on.


11 years ago


Incase you are thinking of a career change

If you’re bored, burned-out, or your job just isn’t doing it for you anymore, there’s a good chance you’re ready for a change. But before you make any big moves, you must determine whether it’s the job you don’t like—or your career.


10 years ago


Firms faulted on financial info

The world’s biggest companies hide financial details about their operations outside their home country, a new report released yesterday by Transparency International has revealed.


11 years ago


THINKING CRITICALLY: Same old tinkering with a derelict system

The long awaited so-called mini cabinet reshuffle has at long last been announced and one is left at a loss as to what the whole hullabaloo was all about.


11 years ago

ITV News

New thinking needed in the war on ivory poachers

ITV News
New thinking needed in the war on ivory poachers
ITV News
Wayne Lotter, director of Tanzania's PAMS Foundation and Vice President of the International Ranger Federation, writes about the onngoing challenge of tackling poaching of the country's elephants. It is hard to describe the exact feeling, but my stomach still ...



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