
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Get creative, farmers!

>Fruit and vegetable farming is a rewarding enterprise, but only if farmers know how to exploit the growing market inside and outside Tanzania. The East African Common Market has opened up more opportunities for all regional farmers, but we still need friendly cross-border laws and regulations.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Let's do more to assist smallholder farmers

We have spoken about the importance of agriculture in the national economy since independence, but the majority of smallholder farmers remain stuck in the same old ways.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Involve farmers in policy formulation

>For decades, agriculture has been the economic mainstay of Tanzania. Despite the growth of other sectors in recent years, it accounts for 24.5 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product, provides 85 per cent of exports and employs more than a half of the workforce.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Pay farmers rightful dues

>Our farmers have long complained that unscrupulous people tamper with measuring scales in order to fleece them of their rightful earnings. Their protests have been largely ignored even as middlemen continue to ride roughshod over them.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

10 years ago


What is a creative toolkit ?

Do you struggle with creativity or oversee a team that has a tough time coming up with fresh and innovative ideas? Is creativity even a top priority where you work or study? Unfortunately, for many companies and educational institutions creative stimulation belongs to somewhere in the lower echelons of the corporate  pyramid somewhere between ground keeping and sanitary supplies.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

10 years ago

Daily News

Mukangara wants NSC to be creative

Mukangara wants NSC to be creative
Daily News
MINISTER for Information, Y o u t h , Culture and Sports Fenella Mukangara has challenged newly appointed members of the National Sports Council (NSC) to be creative in seeking new sources of revenues. She also challenged the body to handle disputes ...


11 years ago


Copyright law and the value of creative works

Recently, we have witnessed an increased momentum in the emphasis on the role of copyright law and regulation in the protection of artistic works in Tanzania.


9 years ago


Ghana's fondness for creative language

How Ghanaians joke and create words to cope with a crisis



Magazeti ya Leo

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