
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Hurry not this key process

>If we were to be honest, we would admit that the referendum scheduled for April 30 is a hurried affair.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Consensus key to Katiba process

 For the last 30 years or so, particularly after the re-introduction of political pluralism in 1992, there have been persistent demands for a new constitutional order in Tanzania. These demands were partly re-enforced by the recommendations by the Nyalali Commission in 1991, but pressure can be traced back to the 1980s.


11 years ago



image001 EAST AFRICAN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY The energy sector plays a key role in enabling the unlock of EAC’s economies for the benefit of integration.  Legislators are thus calling for concerted efforts to bridge the energy deficit in the region through the sustained use of clean and renewable energy.  EALA late yesterday visited the Olkaria Geothermal Project in Naivasha, Nakuru County and lauded the contribution of the power plant in meeting the needs of the region.  The Assistant General...


11 years ago


EDITORIAL: Why irrigation is key

A country that is unable to feed its people cannot justify its very existence. The Kilimo Kwanza initiative confirms the premium attached to agriculture by President Jakaya Kikwete’s administration. It is through such programmes that sufficient resources can be channelled into boosting agriculture to enhance food security.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Escrow: key revelations

We have keenly followed the Escrow Account report and debate in Parliament and drawn three main lessons from the discussion. The first of these is that public leaders in this country have no idea what taking political responsibility is.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Psychology services key to curbing self-murder

>Two local papers yesterday reported three cases of unnatural deaths in different parts of Tanzania. In Manyoni, the driver of the Officer Commanding District (OCD) blew off his head with a gun in the privacy of his bedroom. In his suicide note, he said nobody should be investigated because he had made a personal choice.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Freedom of the press a key pillar of democracy

>Tanzania introduced multi-party politics in the 1990s after quite a bit of dilly-dallying. This was essentially because the results of an opinion poll conducted earlier showed that only 25 per cent of the people wanted a multi-party system.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Voter education is key to a successful referendum

>About 52 per cent of people on the Mainland would have voted for the Proposed Constitution had the referendum been held between January and February this year, according to a Twaweza opinion poll.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Anti-ebola strategy key to protecting tourism

>It’s too bad that, the local tourism sector,  generator of 25 per cent of the country’s foreign exchange earnings, and creator of some 27,000 jobs, has literally been caught by the   ‘misfortunes come in a series’ trap. A little over one month ago, 17 tourists were ambushed  at a lodge in the northern tourist circuit, attacked, and robbed of items valued at over Sh20million.


11 years ago


We are always in a hurry but don’t get anywhere

Why are we always in a hurry? We get up in the morning and hurry to get ready for work even if it means falling over the dog and drinking instant breakfast on the road while talking on the cell phone about things that can’t wait until we get to work.



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