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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Sustain the Anti-FGM drive

Culture is the soul of the nation, but that is putting it broadly. Otherwise, a case-by-case assessment of the cultures and traditions of Tanzania’s 120-plus tribes would reveal that, some of them are barbaric, loathsome and should be discarded.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


How anti-FGM drive earned me a boot

Female circumcision has for long been regarded as a symbol of respect and maturity among the Kurya, one of the largest communities in Mara Region.


9 years ago


Sustain JPM drive against inefficiency and fraud

Government action on inefficiency at the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) following the discovery of “missing” containers has not come as a surprise.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Sustain JPM Drive Against Inefficiency and Fraud

Tanzania: Sustain JPM Drive Against Inefficiency and Fraud
Government action on inefficiency at the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) following the discovery of "missing" containers has not come as a surprise. Why, it is now clear to all that President John Magufuli and Prime Minister Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa ...
Container transfer to Bakhresa ICD put off over irregularitiesDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 5


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Sustain fight for gender equity despite the gains

>Tanzania joined the international community yesterday in celebrating International Women’s Day, with a variety of activities aimed at demonstrating mainly two things: one, there is still a lot to be done to attain the necessary gender equity and two, women have the capacity to do what men can, if a level playing field would prevail in human societies.


10 years ago


Anti-fgm pact most welcome

Tanzania has the dubious distinction of having the highest child marriage rates in the world. This should embarrass us all. It is estimated that two out of five girls here are married off before they turn 18. Thousands drop out of school due to early motherhood, when many of them are barely more than children themselves


11 years ago


Resume anti-poaching drive: UN

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has urged the government to resume the anti-poaching campaign -- Operation Tokomeza -- to help in efforts to end the slaughter of elephants.


9 years ago


How anti-corruption drive has ‘exposed’ JK

 President John Magufuli hit the ground running immediately after he was sworn in following his victory in the October 25 General Election. He has since put a performance that took Tanzanians and many others outside the country by surprise. However, as the election dust settles, Dr Magufuli’s performance has resulted in a wave of criticism on the last government led by former President Jakaya Kikwete.


11 years ago


Uk media must be fair in anti-poaching drive

There have been a lot of heated debate on whether President Jakaya Kikwete has been taking any serious measures aimed at taming poaching.


10 years ago


Selous anti-poaching drive pays off

>Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Lazaro Nyalandu has announced success in fighting poaching as the country has recorded zero elephant killing in the Selous Game Reserve in the past three months.



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