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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EDITORIAL: Wanted: Sober debate as we ponder way forward

>Now that the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report has been tabled in the august House, we wish to give the thumbs-up to Parliament for directing its oversight team, chaired by Mr Zitto Kabwe, to investigate and establish the truth on the controversial withdrawal of money from the Tegeta escrow account at the Bank of Tanzania (BoT).


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Groups urge sober budget debate from mps

 As the Parliamentary budget sessions kicked off yesterday a lobby group wants Mps to adhere to country morals and values as well as the house standing orders by refraining from trading insults and heckling when discussing the budget.


11 years ago


EDITORIAL: Committed leaders wanted

>It is good news for Tanzania that natural gas deposits have now risen to 51 trillion cubic feet--up from 42 trillion cubic feet recorded in July last year--thanks to ongoing exploration in the Indian Ocean.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Wanted: Safer butcheries

A photograph of the meat business at Mkuyuni in Mwanza region in yesterday’s edition of The Citizen is likely to be met with a “so what?” response in some quarters. But there is more to it than meets the eye.  The focus of the photo is chunks of meat hanging from hooks in a butchery. It is a common sight countrywide. And what it represents – the sale of food in unhygienic conditions – merits some reflection.


9 years ago


EDITORIAL : Wanted; Better subsatance from oct 25 contenders

It is three weeks now since political parties hit the campaign trail to canvass for votes from the 24 million Tanzanians registered to vote on October 25.


9 years ago


Medics ponder how new UN goals will enhance child health care

One day before world leaders convened in New York this week for the launching of new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), global health experts were also meeting in Dar es Salaam—pondering on how the new goals could be of benefit to millions of babies who are born with birth-defects across the world.


11 years ago


Social media: Let us have sober minds

There is a general agreement amongst most Tanzanians that currently, the country needs changes; changes that would steer it to new levels of development, with the most talked about area that needs transformation, according to the “analysts”, being the country’s top leadership.


9 years ago


Introducing Life and Hope Rehabilitation Centre (Bagamoyo Sober House)

Kituo kipya na cha kisasa kimefunguliwa huko Bagamoyo, eneo la Ukuni, Mkoa wa Kwani kikiwa na  huduma nzuri, kuanzia malazi, chakula bora na usafi wa hali ya juu na kipo sehemu tulivu tayari kuwasaidia waathirika wa madawa ya kulevya na ulevi wa pombe kupindukia, ikiwa ni pamoja na kuwaelimisha kwa njia ya ushauri nasaha na kuwarudisha katika hali timamu.Kituo hiki cha aina yake kina wataalamu waliobobea kila idara.Pia kuna daktari wa afya.Kituo pia kinatoa mafunzo ya ujasiriamali na mafunzo...


10 years ago


Why China-TZ ‘ties’ are the right way forward

A world-renown China researcher and author, Tang Xiaoyang, claims that Africa in general and Tanzania in particular is today very much like what China was a mere 30 years ago!



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