Education in ICU ? Yes, plus our mentality too
People who have had the misfortune of having beloved relatives admitted to hospitals’ Intensive Care Units (ICUs) taste a bit of hell on earth.
Habari Zinazoendana
11 years ago
TheCitizen20 May
Our education in ICU, say worried lawmakers
In their contributions to the debate on the budget for the ministry of Education and Vocational Training yesterday, virtually all MPs’ views could be summed up thus: education is in crisis; a serious crisis that has been created over several decades.
11 years ago
Cameroon 'must change mentality'
Former Cameroon international Patrick Suffo is concerned his country will not learn from a shocking campaign in Brazil.
9 years ago
TheCitizen13 Nov
EDITORIAL: ‘Magufuli-watching-me’ mentality can’t help us ‘
President John Magufuli’s hands-on approach has become a lively talking point and has perplexed many people. Instead of taking a short holiday to cool off after a very gruelling cross-country election campaign, they observe, Dr Magufuli swung into action shortly after being sworn in as Tanzania’s fifth president a week ago.
10 years ago
TheCitizen31 Mar
WARAH: Who will free Kenyans from this slave mentality?
>The recent story in the news about a Chinese restaurant in Nairobi not allowing in African customers after 5pm has caused a sensation on social media and prompted many foreigners to ask how Kenyans can allow outsiders to discriminate against them on Kenyan soil.
11 years ago
TheCitizen03 Apr
‘Too Big to Fail’ mentality still alive, well and kicking
Five years after Lehman Brothers’ seismic bust and just two years after euro member Greece defaulted, the concept of being too big or too strategic to fail is alive and well.
11 years ago
10 years ago
IPPmedia29 Mar
Admitted to ICU
Bishop Josephat Gwajima of the Glory Christ church, lies unconscious at the Intensive Care Unit of TMJ hospital in Dar es Salaam yesterday where he was admitted on Friday. While no authority has come out clear to explain what caused the head of Glory of ...
11 years ago
Habarileo28 May
Mwakyembe- Reli ilikuwa ICU
WAZIRI wa Uchukuzi, Dk Harrison Mwakyembe, amesema bajeti ya wizara hiyo ya mwaka 2014/15 iliyopitishwa juzi bungeni, itaifanya reli ianze kukimbia.
10 years ago
TheCitizen07 Dec
Archbishop Ruzoka in ICU after accident
Tabora Catholic Archbishop Paul Ruzoka has been admitted to an intensive care unit at the Bugando Hospital after sustaining a severe neck injury in a road accident yesterday in Igunga District.
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania