
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Education Officers told to bring drop outs back to school

Daily News
Education Officers told to bring drop outs back to school
Daily News
GOVERNMENT says it will measure the efficiency of Regional and District Education Officers based on their capacity to ensure that all pupils enrolled in primary schools complete their schooling. This was said on Thursday by the Permanent Secretary in the ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Higher exam pass rates marred by rise in drop outs

Although Geita district executive director Mr Ali Kidakwa said the district performed well in the national exams, a growing drop out rate is cause for worry.


10 years ago


How 'Back to School Programme' brought back to school absentee pupils in ...

How 'Back to School Programme' brought back to school absentee pupils in ...
Back to school Programme' has saved a total of 3, 668 children between 15-17 years of age who were working as cheap labour at Zanzibar beaches and they are now back to school. Halfani Abdallah (13), is a standard four pupil at Pwani Mchangani Primary ...


11 years ago


Govt seeks place for education 'miss outs'

Govt seeks place for education 'miss outs'
The government has started discussions with owners of private schools on how to sponsor students into private schools who miss admissions in public secondary schools. The parents of the said students will have to pay fees as if the students were in public ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Work honestly, police officers told

Work honestly, police officers told
Daily News
COMMISSIONER of Police (CP) Mr Hamdan Omar Makame, who is responsible for Zanzibar affairs, has appealed to authorities in the islands to regard the Police Force in Zanzibar as their own institution. Mr Makame made the appeal in his address to First ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Timely respond to queries, govt officers told

Timely respond to queries, govt officers told
Daily News
INFORMATION officers working in various public institutions have been asked to timely respond to the public's queries that will be posted onto the recently launched website for citizens. The call was made in Dar es Salaam, yesterday, by the Director ...


10 years ago


I want to drop out of high school

I really empathise with you but I suspect there is a much bigger problem that you are not telling us. Could it be that you have not finished the holiday assignment they gave you? Confront the issue head on. Dislike for school could be due to a bad spirit that wants to drown you in the sea of ignorance. Please go and see a pastor so that they pray for you. I’m sure you will get well and resume your liking for studies.


11 years ago


Bring back our tap water

Many water authorities are grappling with crippling financial constraints as they seek to improve their services, which are way below the mark. Only a tiny fraction of the population actually gets piped water.


11 years ago


VIDEO: 'We will bring the girls back'

Nigeria's president has vowed to find more than 200 schoolgirls abducted by Islamist militants and return them to their families.


11 years ago


Should Kenya bring back its boys?

Kenyans start their own "Bring Back Our..." hashtag



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