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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Education: Protecting women by shaping their future

Education: Protecting women by shaping their future
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
THE 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence is an annual global campaign to bring attention to the problem of Gender Based Violence which is sometimes referred to as Violence against Women. View Comments. Violence against Women is a ...

Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Girls' Education Widens Scope for Future Opportunities

Girls' Education Widens Scope for Future Opportunities
SOME nineteen years ago, Dr Emmanuel Malangalila, a medical doctor, had a wish he wanted to accomplish. He had a dream of establishing a girls' secondary school in Dar es Salaam. He involved his close partner in life, his wife, Mrs Octavina Malangalila ...


10 years ago


Education key for future of young people, Tanzania told

>Visiting German First Lady Daniela Schadt has underscored the need to help the youth to secure the future of the nation.


9 years ago


Women and the young will decide TZ's future today

Finally, Election Day is here. From being the most unpredictable to significantly extraordinary—this of 2015 seems to be many things—including being an election of ‘’Firsts.’’ It’s the first—and in fact a historic election—for its oddity and campaign style.


10 years ago


Women's education vital for economic development

Women's education vital for economic development
A research paper titled 'Increasing girls' and women participation in basic education� written by Nelly P. Stromquist argues that education is a tool for women�s advancement. (File Photo). On March 8, 2015, women worldwide celebrated an International ...


10 years ago


Give women education, economic empowerment

Today, the world enters the second week of the programme entitled “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence”. In the past week, numerous issues have emerged. Women have spoken more openly on their plight while charting the way forward.


10 years ago


New Kenya takes shape as women win big in education

Girls are overtaking boys in nearly every level of education, a Nation investigation shows.


9 years ago

Naugatuck Valley Community College News

NVCC's GEAR UP, Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund Host Girls and ...

NVCC's GEAR UP, Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund Host Girls and ...
Naugatuck Valley Community College News
Naugatuck Valley Community College's GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Program) and the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Division partnered with the Connecticut Women's Education and ...
We Aren't Imagining It: The Tech Industry Needs More WomenLifehacker Australia
Women Must Have Equal Access to TechnologyBlogHer...



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