
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Enable journos cover rural areas, media owners urged

Enable journos cover rural areas, media owners urged
Daily News
THE General Secretary of Media Club Kilimanjaro (MECKI) , Mr Nakajumo James, has urged media owners across the country to enable journalists go to rural areas to write about problems facing poor communities. Speaking at a function to mark ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Media keen to speed up progress in rural areas

The project of Participatory Community Media for Development (PCMD) is facing challenges, the greatest one is changing the mindset of leaders, says PCMD director Josephat Manzi (pictured) during an interview with BusinessWeek Reporter Ludger Kasumuni


10 years ago


Minister Touts Risk Insurance Cover for Journos

Minister Touts Risk Insurance Cover for Journos
Dodoma — MEDIA owners in Tanzania have been urged to cover their workers with risk insurance, so they can be compensated in case they are injured or die while on duty. The advice was given by Deputy Minister for Information, Youth, Culture and Sports, ...
Juma Nkamia, Deputy Minister for Information, Culture, Youths and SportsIPPmedia

all 2


11 years ago

Daily News

'Paralegals are important in rural areas'

'Paralegals are important in rural areas'
Daily News
PEOPLE trained as paralegals have been helpful in rural areas, helping citizens to gain access to information and legal assistance, it has been learnt. Chairman of Zanzibar Legal Service Centre (ZLSC), Prof Chris Maina Peter said in Zanzibar that his centre ...


10 years ago


FEATURE: Serving as doctor in rural areas

>Serving in rural communities as a health worker has been Dr Semeni Nyerere’s ambition since he was at a medical school. He graduated from Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences last year. Today, he still hangs on to his dream for a career path that many of his peers would not feel secure to pursue.


11 years ago


Doing business tough in rural areas: traders

Running a business in a rural area is extremely challenging, businesspersons observe. In conducting a business in rural areas one may face limited access to mentors, role models, share experiences and feel isolated from others in urban areas.


11 years ago


Ambitious plan to connect rural areas

Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited (TTCL) yesterday signed a Sh9.7 billion ($6.03 million) contract with the Universal Communication Service Access Fund (UCSAF) to supply communication services in rural areas.


11 years ago


Govt pushes ICT use into rural areas

Govt pushes ICT use into rural areas
Communication, Science and Technology Minister Prof Makame Mbarawa briefs journalists on the implementation of mobile phone communication networks at a news conference in Dar es Salaam yesterday. (PHOTO: SELEMANI MPOCHI). The government ...


9 years ago


Ukawa will bring power to rural areas: Duni

Chadema presidential running-mate Juma Duni Hadji said if elected the Ukawa led government will ensure it adds 3000 Mega Watts to the national grid in five years of its administration to ensure Tanzanians leaving in rural receive electricity as stipulated in its election manifesto.


10 years ago

Daily News

Judge wants more legal aid providers to go to rural areas

Judge wants more legal aid providers to go to rural areas
Daily News
LEGAL Aid providers have been urged to extend their services to rural areas where many people suffer from lack of the service to ensure all people enjoy justice at the court of law. Principal Judge, Justice Shaaban Ally Lila, told a Legal Aid Provision ...



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