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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Ethnic diversity can be a blessing

Discourses about tribalism often emerge in political, social and academic fronts. Scholars and politicians too have tried to define it from their own perspectives depending on how it suits them – either as a threat to their political existence in the case of politicians or as a sociological subject for their scholarly work in the case of the academicians.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


10 years ago

Daily News

Rains are a blessing, they are not a curse

Rains are a blessing, they are not a curse
Daily News
THE devastating 30-minute storm in Kahama District last week that left in its wake at least 42 people killed; many others homeless, several others injured and properties worth millions of shillings destroyed must have served as a lesson to Tanzanians living in ...


11 years ago


Nairobi attacks ‘a blessing’ to Zanzibar

>Zanzibar has been experiencing an increase of tourist arrivals since terrorism attacks engulfed neighbouring Kenya, according to the industry’s stakeholders there.


10 years ago

Tanzania Daima

Nakaaya azindua albamu ya Blessing

MSANII wa muziki wa kizazi kipya, Nakaaya Sumari alikonga nyoyo za mashabiki wake wakati wa uzinduzi wa albam yake ya pili iitwayo ‘Blessing’ ambayo ameitoa kama zawadi kwa mtoto wake....


10 years ago


Power cuts can be a blessing at times

It’s a weekend. You had a late breakfast after which you headed to the shopping centre to get copies of your favourite newspapers. It’s not midday yet, but since this is a Saturday, you consider it okay to make a stopover at your most convenient local grocery and read your papers there over a beer or two.


11 years ago


We should view rains as blessing in disguise

 Cynicism should be avoided because it is often crude and emotionally hurts victims of bad situations.


9 years ago


TINA BELLON : Are refugees a burden or blessing?

While many European countries say asylum seekers could damage their economies if they let in too many, Germany is counting on the record numbers pouring across its borders to save its own.


10 years ago


KAIGARULA: Ukawa : A blessing and curse for CCM

>Many old generation leaders were mission-driven. Tanzania’s Mwalimu Julius  Nyerere and Zambia’s Kenneth Kaunda are a case in point.


10 years ago

Sex 'marriages'

South London church defies Bishops in offering blessing of same

Christian Concern
South London church defies Bishops in offering blessing of same-sex 'marriages'
Christian Concern
A parish Church in South London is reported to be offering to bless same-sex 'marriages' in spite of clear prohibition from the House of Bishops. According to the website of St John's and St Andrew's, Waterloo, the church declares: “You are welcome to marry ...
Religious Leaders Warn Against Gay

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