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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


EU fears of free Scotland influence

The prospect of Scottish independence is raising fears in Europe that it could inflame other separatist movements at a time when the continent’s unity and even its borders are under threat, analysts say.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

AG rules out foreign influence on Katiba

Daily News
AG rules out foreign influence on Katiba
Daily News
ATTORNEY General, Fredrick Werema has maintained that there is no foreign legal entity with legitimacy to challenge the outcome of the ongoing processes of writing Tanzania's new constitution. The AG's comments comes as a reaction to a statement of the ...


11 years ago


Can US shake the dragon’s influence in TZ, Africa?

In the morning of July 1, last year, when five million residents of Dar es Salaam woke up to a lifetime shock and couldn’t believe their eyes weren’t cheating. Some thought they had been caught by the wrong hop.  


11 years ago


VIDEO: The influence of Egypt's army

President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, the former Army chief, is the fifth Egyptian leader drawn from the armed forces.


9 years ago


'External influence' caused Sinai crash

The Russian airline Kogalymavia blames "external activity" for Saturday's deadly Sinai plane crash which killed 224 people.


9 years ago


PETER KAGWANJA : How China is consolidating its influence

With its 1.3 billion people, the world’s second most powerful economy, a nuclear stock, a seat in the United Nations Security Council and drawing on the ethos of one of the world’s oldest civilisations, China is a superpower.


10 years ago


SINGLE IN THE CITY: We can influence our personal freedoms

>A whip lash cuts across your back the shock of it too harsh for you to conjure tears, as a wail escapes your lips. You’re on the fields of a clove plantation back in colonial times, your crime was leaving early so you can go breastfeed your daughter. When the ordeal is over later in the evening a fellow worker, your trusted friend Naetwe tries to put herbs on your back as you’re delirious in pain.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Referendum That Never Was, CCM Nomination Could Influence Politics

Korea Times
Tanzania: Referendum That Never Was, CCM Nomination Could Influence Politics
Tanzania witnessed its most competitive elections in recent decades in October, after unprecedented development in political arena. From the failure of a constitutional review process to the fall of ace politicians and the dramatic annulment of ...
New start, new hope for TanzaniaKorea Times

all 2


10 years ago


The influence of a single individual in the DMV Tanzania community

The DMV Tanzanian community has been going through some rough times recently. You could say some of us are experiencing post elections blues. The recent elections and the unexpected outcomes which are still being disputed has brought about so much scandal. I ask myself why and try to examine the whole thing. What is the source of the problem and what could have been done differently and how do we move forward from here. 
One very common theme or I should say person comes to mind when I think...


9 years ago


Kingunge's exit to influence political direction : analysts

Many people regard the recent decision by a renowned politicians, Mr Kingunge Ngombale Mwiru decision to ditch Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) in favour of activism politics would have little impact on the ruling party. They might be wrong.



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