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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Expert Opinion

Expert Opinion
Just three days into his new job, President Magufuli gave an order banning all foreign trips for senior government officials. He ordered that all tasks that required government officials to travel out of the country should now be handled by Tanzania's ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Daily News

Do we really need opinion polls at this stage?

Do we really need opinion polls at this stage?
Daily News
AS the country inches to the general election on October 25, this year, some groups have started coming up with results of opinion polls, showing who is going to win the elections. So far, three groups have come out to declare which party might win the ...


10 years ago


OPINION : Let’s Value public property, it’s ours

One of the things that we are always failing as a nation is to value public property, maintain and use it for the good of all, including future generations. This is because we are fast turning into a consumer society.


10 years ago


OPINION:There's little to cheer in this year's budget

The national budget tabled on Thursday appears to have shed more confusion than light on what the people can expect. There are those who consider it a people-centred plan, meaning it has targeted the man on the street for growth and prosperity


9 years ago


Magufuli leads in the opinion poll

Two out of three respondents (65%) said that they would vote for John Magufuli, the CCM presidential candidate.


10 years ago


OPINION: What Happened To The Ambition Of Being A Teacher?

OPINION: What Happened To The Ambition Of Being A Teacher?
Teaching has become a rather unpopular profession among young people these days. Not many Nigerian youths nurse the passion and ambition for building a career in education. contributor Olawale Wright in his new piece explores the reasons for ...
Well-trained teachers blessing to pupilsZambia Daily Mail
Let us teach, not merely tick
Teachers Told to Design Relevant Local Teaching...


10 years ago


OPINION:Focus on issues, not personalities

As the US presidential primary campaigns approach contestants have started crisscrossing the American territory raising money, claryfing their positions on domestic and foreign policy and trooping to early primary states to weigh in on their chances.


10 years ago


OPINION : CCM needs to BE SERIOUS ABOUT Ending Graft

The ruling party’s presidential aspirants have vowed to end corruption should they get a chance to lead the nation. Virtually all have identified themselves as true followers of the Founding Father of the Nation, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. They claim they will end corruption. Still others have promised to form a special tribunal to handle all cases related to corruption.


10 years ago


To save the Union:Respect public opinion

To save the Union:Respect public opinion
As Tanzanians today mark the 51st anniversary of the Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar, leading politicians have said union problems would end only if the government respects people's opinion on the kind of union structure they want. Such opinion ...
On the Occasion of the United Republic of Tanzanias Union DayMENAFN.COM
Sports continue to strengthen the cherished Tanzania unionDaily News

all 5


11 years ago


Constituent Assembly: All lines of opinion respected

Constituent Assembly: All lines of opinion respected
Names of individuals making it to the Constituent Assembly, a special Parliament in itself for the promulgation of a draft constitution to be placed before the wider electorate in a referendum, were released late Friday by the State House Directorate of ...



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