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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Extend more education on constitution review

Extend more education on constitution review - dons
Academics have called for more education about the ongoing constitution review process to make the public understand the procedure so as to avoid confusion during the referendum. The call was made over the weekend by various dons who double as ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


'Public tired of logjam in constitution review'

'Public tired of logjam in constitution review'
Panelists take part in a live TV debate on the constitutional review in Dar es Salaam yesterday. Tanzanians are demanding for an immediate end of the ongoing standoff between the Coalition for People's Constitution (Ukawa) and the ruling Chama Cha ...
Wasira decries 'dragging of people into Katiba process'Daily News

all 2


10 years ago


Activists against Constitution review process being put off

Activists against Constitution review process being put off
Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) has faulted the decision to postpone the ongoing constitution review process to pave the way for the General Election slated for next year saying the two processes can in no way overlap. The Centre gave its stand few ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Dar pins Marriage Act review hopes on new constitution

Dar pins Marriage Act review hopes on new constitution
Daily News
THE government has pegged its hopes regarding the overhaul of the repressive 1971 Marriage Act on the envisaged new constitution. The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children, Ms Ana Maenda, said the 1971 ...


11 years ago


Media urged to ensure information flows on Constitution review process

Media urged to ensure information flows on Constitution review process
Media outlets in the country have been urged to keep the public well informed about the constitutional making process as their contribution to making the document known and inclusive. Uvinza District Commissioner, Khadija Nyembo made the call here ...


11 years ago


An Opportunity for the Diaspora to Participate in a Special Parliament Session for Constitution Review

Dear All,
Among 9 names we sent to the President's Office in Dar es Salaam, Mr. Kadari Singo has been selected to represent the Diaspora in the coming Special Parliament Session on Constitutional Review. For more information click here: We will let you know on how you can participate in getting our opinions together and have one voice from the Diaspora in regards to the Review of the...


10 years ago

Daily News

Call for public education on new constitution before referendum

Call for public education on new constitution before referendum
Daily News
THE Constitution Forum has underscored the need for the public to be educated on the details of the Proposed Constitution to enable it make an informed decision before voting. The forum, in a statement issued in Dar es Salaam and signed by its chairman, ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Education institute told to review curricula

Education institute told to review curricula
Daily News
TANZANIA Institute of Education (TIE) has been urged to focus on the review of the curriculum to ensure its robustness, that it represents national best-practices and that it is suitable for the current environment. Deputy Minister for Education, Jenista Mhagama, ...


10 years ago


LHRC calls for extra education on proposed constitution

LHRC calls for extra education on proposed constitution
The Legal and Human Right Centre (LHRC) has called up all civil societies including the government to educate the public on the proposed constitution following the postponement of the Referendum that was scheduled for April 30 this year. Legal Officer with ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Commissions to control voters' education on draft constitution

Commissions to control voters' education on draft constitution
Daily News
THE National Electoral Commission (NEC) and Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC) have directed all civil society organisations interested to offer voters education on the proposed Draft Constitution to submit their application by February 10, this year.



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