
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Families plan to celebrate Christmas on a budget

Christmas is just around the corner and the mad rush of the holiday has taken its course. With only a few days left for the big day, families are busy making final preparations, including those who plan to travel upcountry for the festivities.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Revellers celebrate Christmas in transit

Some passengers, who use Ubungo Bus Terminal, were yesterday forced to spend Christmas in transit to their upcountry destinations after waiting for tickets for over four days.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Revellers Celebrate Christmas in Transit

Tanzania: Revellers Celebrate Christmas in Transit
Dar es Salaam — Some passengers, who use Ubungo Bus Terminal, were yesterday forced to spend Christmas in transit to their upcountry destinations after waiting for tickets for over four days. While some managed to get tickets at wee hours, others were ...


9 years ago


How to Celebrate the Big Sallah on a Small Budget

howtThe big Salah is here and so we join the rest of the world to celebrate this year’s Eid-El-Adha which holds special significance for the over 15 million Muslim faithfuls in Tanzania as a festival that marks the end of Hajj and prepares us for a new Islamic Calendar.

Eid-Al-Adha places a high demand on us for shopping, entertainment, decoration and partying and we all hope to have some fun time after Kubta prayers.

During the festive season, it is usually clear that a big celebration is...


11 years ago


Govt should think outside box in budget plan

Tomorrow Tanzanians will know how their lives are going to change in the next one year. The Finance Minister, Saada Mkuya, will deliver a 2014/15 Budget, which will, ambo other things, outline tax measures, which the government intends to implement in the next financial year.


10 years ago

Daily News

President's Office budget plan on Monday

President's Office budget plan on Monday
Daily News
THE budget session for 2015/16 expenditure resumes here on Monday with a presentation of estimates of the President's Office before the National Assembly. Ministers of State, Ms Celina Kombani (Public Service Management), (Rt Capt) George Mkuchika ...


10 years ago


Budget plan unrealistic, stakeholders warn govt

Dar es Salaam. Stakeholders have criticised the pre-Budget proposals that Finance Minister Saada Mkuya presented on Wednesday, with some describing the estimates as “business as usual.” She has also come in for criticism for allegedly not involving others in making decisions.


10 years ago


Tanzania military plan to increase defence budget by 30 per cent

Tanzania military plan to increase defence budget by 30 per cent
DAR ES SALAAM Tanzania (Xinhua) -- Tanzania has said that it will increase its defense budget by 30 per cent in the next fiscal year. Hussein Mwinyi, the east African nation's Minister for Defense and National Service, told the National Assembly in capital ...
Security first priority - govtIPPmedia
State to strengthen security using high-tech equipmentDaily News

all 4


11 years ago


BUDGET: Ordinary people lose interest in budget

>The government  said it was a Budget of the people, but wananchi said it was yet another financial statement they know nothing about.



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