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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


FEATURE: Appreciating our mothers

>From the day you laid eyes on me, squalling, crinkled, wrinkled me… you loved me… you tell me it’s a feeling no one can describe. You always washed me up, fed me, and loved me.


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

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11 years ago


Be accountable so that mothers can survive

>As the world commemorates   White Ribbon Day, with the theme: ‘Be accountable so that mothers can survive child birth,’ Tanzania honours the 24 women who die every day during childbirth.


11 years ago


save mothers’ lives

Much as the future of our nation lies in the wellbeing of children, mothers too should be in prime condition if they are to survive childbirth and nurture their babies to adulthood. They also need the right facilities and skilled healthcare, regardless of where they live.


10 years ago


10 years ago


Mothers: Where’s our infant formula?

Mothers with small babies are up in arms over the prolonged shortage of two popular baby formulas, Lactogen and SMA, The Citizen on Saturday has established.


10 years ago


We are stepping in for working mothers

When Rhoda Nyang’aya separated from her husband nine years ago, things took a sharp twist. With two children to take care of, she had to make adjustments to her new life.


9 years ago


A lot more needs to be done to protect mothers’ lives

Imagine this; A nurse using plastic bags instead of gloves to assist a woman in delivery, or a nurse helping a mother deliver, while using a hurricane lamp for lighting. How about four women in labour sharing a hospital bed and many others sleeping on the floor in a maternity ward? This is the reality in our public hospitals.


11 years ago


Study: Infants can get stress from mothers

Emotions and physiological experiences can be transmitted from one person to another, and infants can “catch” feelings of stress passed down through their mothers.


11 years ago


The plight of breastfeeding mothers at workplace

The first week of this month marked yet another global event, World Breastfeeding Week, which was celebrated from 1st-7th of August. This year’s theme was ‘Breastfeeding: A winning goal for life’.



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