
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Financial institutions urged to support youth businesses

Financial institutions urged to support youth businesses
The government has urged financial institutions to join hands in supporting young Tanzanians through newly established programme known as Youth Business Tanzania (YBT), to enable them to access loans to establish business. The call was made by the ...
Minter touts support for the youthDaily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

In Two Years

Cyber crime costs financial institutions over 9bn/

Cyber crime costs financial institutions over 9bn/- in two years
Cyber crime cases are responsible for the theft of more than 9bn/- from various financial institutions in the country in a period of only two years, the National Assembly was informed yesterday. The revelation was aired by Communication, Science and ...


10 years ago


Policy Sought for Unclaimed Assets in Financial Institutions

Policy Sought for Unclaimed Assets in Financial Institutions
Dodoma — The Finance Ministry is working on policies and laws that will suggest how to handle unclaimed assets, which are in the local financial institutions and pension funds. The Minister, Ms Saada Mkuya, said that there are a lot of assets in such bodies, ...


11 years ago


Financial institutions hope to survive amid mobile banking

Banks are teaming up with telecoms operators to serve customers regardless of locations and time bounds.


10 years ago


TIB scoops financial institutions category award at Dar trade fair

>TIB Development Bank has emerged winner in the Financial Institutions category during the ongoing 39th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair for the second consecutive year.


10 years ago

Daily News

Government institutions urged to form audit committees

Government institutions urged to form audit committees
Daily News
MINISTRIES and other government institutions have been reminded to form audit committees in line with the public finance regulation law. The reminder was issued by the Deputy Minister for Finance, Mr Adam Malima, yesterday while responding to a ...


11 years ago


Businesses urged to apply for funds

Financial sector players and entrepreneurs have been urged to apply for funds during the third round of the SME Finance Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF) competition.


10 years ago


Businesses pledge more support to crime fund

Businesses have pledged more support to the Tanga Region Business Fund Against Crime (TARBFAC)


9 years ago


Businesses need more govt support to prosper: expert

The Tanzania government should increase support to the private sector for it to grow, a Danish business leader has said.


10 years ago


Dr Mengi urges businesses to support needy groups

Dr Mengi urges businesses to support needy groups
IPP Executive Chairman Dr Reginald Mengi has challenged members of the business community in Tanzania to channel part of their wealth into initiatives to assist people with disabilities. Dr Mengi threw the challenge over the weekend in Dar es Salaam ...



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