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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


First Lady hails Voda’s health aid to women

At least 1,900 Tanzanian women have been treated of fistula during the past three years, thanks to an initiative by Vodacom Tanzania and the Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation Tanzania (CCBRT).


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDUCATION: First Lady hails schools built by Wama

>Construction of two secondary schools in Rufiji and Lindi was cited by First Lady Salma Kikwete as among successful ventures attained by the Wanawake na Maendeleo  (WAMA) group during the end-of-the-year party she hosted for diplomatic spouses at State House grounds on Saturday evening.


11 years ago


Salma hails govt efforts in girls' education, health

Salma hails govt efforts in girls' education, health
Foreground: First Lady Salma Kikwete (2nd-L); Asha Bilal (3rd-L), wife of Vice President Dr Gharib Bilal; former first lady Anna Mkapa (R), with other dignitaries at State House grounds in Dsm. First Lady and Women and Development Foundation (WAMA) ...


10 years ago


Child’s education, health move me most: First Lady

>First Lady Salma Kikwete has mentioned issues that touch her most as security, health, education and children’s rights noting that she has been dealing with these since she was a teacher.


10 years ago

Daily News

First Lady to grace World Women's Day

First Lady to grace World Women's Day
Daily News
THE First Lady, Mama Salma Kikwete, is expected to grace the International Women's Day in Dar es Salaam on March 8, this year. Trumark Managing Director, Ms Agnes Mgongo, whose agency organises the event, said in Dar es Salaam on Monday that the ...
Women challenged to turn economic hurdles into opportunitiesIPPmedia

all 2


9 years ago


Uganda first lady Janet urges women to be independent

The First Lady has asked women to avoid over-dependence on husbands but find ways to raise personal income.


10 years ago


Women in small-scale mining seek equipment, capital aid

Tanzania Women Miners Association chairperson Eunice Negele (L) briefs Hamis Komba (C), Assistant Commissioner for Minerals in the Energy and Minerals ministry, on the challenges facing small-scale miners. By Sylivester Domasa Women digging into the country’s male dominated small scale mining sector are calling on the government to support them with requisite equipment and working capital even as reports say 3.1bn/- interest free loans meant for small scale miners is laying idle...


9 years ago

Daily News | The National Newspaper (Press Release) (Blog)

Mama Lowassa to help improve women health

Mama Lowassa to help improve women health
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
THE wife of Union presidential candidate on Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) ticket, Mrs Regina Lowassa, has urged women in Kagera region to vote yes in favour of Mr Edward Lowassa, promising that if she becomes the first lady, her ...


11 years ago

Based Violence

How health of women, childern disrupted by gender

How health of women, childern disrupted by gender-based violence
Tabu Shitunguru (55) a resident of Nyugwa village in Nyang'hwale district Geita Region was attacked and brutally injured by unidentified group of people who had suspected that she might be a witch due to her red eyes. Cases of gender based violence ...


10 years ago


World Leaders Commit to Intensify Efforts to Realize Women's Health, Rights, Equality

UNITED NATIONS, New York, 22 September 2014—More than 140 presidents, heads of government, ministers and high officials from around the world today reaffirmed their countries’ strong political support to the historic International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).
During the ICPD, held in Cairo in 1994, 179 governments agreed on a 20-year Programme of Action that included a bold new vision of the relationships between population, development and individual well-being. It...



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