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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


First National Parliamentary Conference on MDG tomorrow

Daily News
First National Parliamentary Conference on MDG tomorrow
Business Recorder
The first National Parliamentary Conference on Millennium Development Goals is being held from June 2 to 4 under the guidance of National Assembly Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq. The Speaker of the National Assembly will inaugurate the first National ...
WB president pledges financial support for MDGs projectsDaily News
MDGs conference on SundayPakistan Today

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Business Recorder

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


President Kikwete arrives in Arusha to open the 12th IAWJ Biennial conference tomorrow

 The President of International Association of Women Judges(IAWJ) Hon judge Eusebia Munuo welcomes President Dr.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete shortly after he arrived at Kilimanjaro International Airport in Arusha today. The President is expected to officiate the 12th IAWJ Biennial conference to be held Arusha International Conference Centre AICC tomorrow. Looking on third left is the Chief Justice Hon.Mohamed Othman Chande and left is the chairperson of Tanzania Women Judges Association Hon Judge...


10 years ago


What did Nigeria's National Conference achieve?

Rotate top jobs and scrap local authorities


11 years ago

The Express Tribune

National conference on MDGs: Shift to sustainable development goals under ...

The Express Tribune
National conference on MDGs: Shift to sustainable development goals under ...
The Express Tribune
The shift will include a focus on peace and stability, good governance, monitoring and accountability and more. PHOTO: UN. ISLAMABAD: Time series data available for 33 indicators of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) reveals that while Pakistan is ...
As it plans its own future, Africa engages with the worldSierra Express Media
Narrow UN priorities to hit the best...


10 years ago


President Kikwete opens ESRF 3rd National Conference on Economic Development

President Dr.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete officiates the opening of the 3rd National Conference on “Enleashing Growth Potentials in Tanzania:Economic Transformation for human Development”, held at Hyatt Regency Kilimanjaro Hotel in Dar es Salaam this morning.The Conference was organized by Economic and Social Research Foundation ESRF.Second left seated is the ESRF Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Mr.Philemon Luhanjo and third left seated is the ESRF Executive Director Dr.Hoseana Bohela...


10 years ago


United States Ambassador Mark Childress giving his remarks at the Fourth National Pediatric HIV conference

United States Ambassador Mark Childress giving remarks at the Fourth National Pediatric HIV conference. The conference focused on improving children’s access to HIV testing and treatment, and was held at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Center (JNICC) in Dar es Salaam. In his remarks, the Ambassador highlighted the critical need to close the gaps in treatment overall, and especially for children. The conference was attended by national, regional and district health managers,...


10 years ago


Govt admits failing to meet MDG 5

Govt admits failing to meet MDG 5
Fifteen years down the road, the government has admitted failing to reduce maternal and child mortality rates by three quarters as stipulated by the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) number 5 'A'. Addressing the National Assembly yesterday in the capital, ...
New strategy to further reduce maternal deaths coming soonDaily News

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11 years ago


VP says attaining MDG on health an uphill task

>While Tanzania has made strides in realising target Number Four of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), it still faces an uphill task in attaining target Number Five, which is on maternal health, Vice President Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal has said.



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