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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Forget charcoal, take up gas

Charcoal is the primary source of energy for more than 80 per cent of urban dwellers in Tanzania. The charcoal business is worth some $650 million (Sh1.05 trillion), according to a World Bank Report released two years ago.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Gas is fine but let us not forget our core business

With the discovery of natural gas, the public has high expectations of an end to poverty once production kicks off in 2020.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: School that uses charcoal for chalk

>Msali Primary School in Nyakahura Ward, Biharamulo District, Kagera Region, is facing an acute shortage of teaching and learning materials, a situation which is compelling teachers to write on boards using pieces of charcoal as well as dried cassava.


9 years ago


Charcoal project transforming lives in Kilosa

About 95 per cent of all Tanzanians cook with fuelwood or charcoal - virtually everybody. In every city or town, it’s normal and daily life to see people cooking on charcoal stoves.


10 years ago


UN engages Kenya on Somalia illicit charcoal trade

The United Nations has initiated “engagements” with Kenyan authorities regarding possible involvement of Kenyan troops in illicit exports of charcoal from Somalia, the United Kingdom’s UN envoy said on Friday.


9 years ago


Tanzania is trying to turn the charcoal trade from an enemy to a friend of the ...

Tanzania is trying to turn the charcoal trade from an enemy to a friend of the ...
Some 95 percent of urban Tanzanians use charcoal for cooking fuel, and the trade supports more than a million jobs. But charcoal production is taking a massive toll on the country's forests. After a failed attempt to ban the trade the country is now ...


11 years ago


Lake Gas ltd launches an Innovative Product ,Tanzania gets its First Composite Gas Cylinders

LAKE GAS LTD - One of Tanzania’s fastest growing Marketing company, engaged in the importation and distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), launched an innovative product – “COMPOSITE CYLINDERS” - the first of its kind in Tanzania.
In Tanzania, the usage of Metal cylinders has been the most prevalent up to now; henceforth a discerning consumer shall have a choice as to what type of cylinder best suits their family.
“This composite cylinder have very unique features, they are non...


10 years ago


MY TAKE ON THIS: With beliefs like these, forget development

>On September 28, residents of Mwitikira Village in Bahi District, Dodoma Region met to discuss incidents related to witchcraft at the village.



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