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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Former Prisons Commissioner urges CA members to scrap death penalty

Former Prisons Commissioner urges CA members to scrap death penalty
At the close of a two day workshop on caring for death row inmates, a call was issued to end the death penalty with arguments highlighting that some prisoners have been waiting for execution for over 20 years, a fact said to be nothing short of psychological ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Controversy over death penalty

For the first time in the history and development of Constitutions in Tanzania, a final Draft Constitution has included in it the death penalty and how it can be executed by the Head of State. All Constitutions before and after independence have never included in their Articles a crime of murder or any other crime, whose penalty is death.


10 years ago


Death penalty should not be abolished

Death penalty should not be abolished
Those human Rights campaigns who are seeking to Pressurize Tanzanians into abolishing the death penalty are addressing the wrong audience; instead, they should ascertain and prevail upon Tanzania's minority with murderous tendencies and the latter's ...


10 years ago


CA supports death penalty

CA supports death penalty
The death penalty is likely to remain in the new constitution as members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) yesterday expressed general support for capital punishment and suggested hanging of corrupt public officers. The CA is of the view that the penalty is ...


10 years ago


Death penalty for Nigerian soldiers

A Nigerian court martial in the capital Abuja sentences 54 soldiers to death for refusing to fight Boko Haram Islamist militants.


10 years ago


Kenyan death penalty for abortion

A Kenyan nurse is sentenced to death after being found guilty of carrying out an abortion five years ago on a woman who later bled to death.


10 years ago


Chad imposes 'terror' death penalty

Following attacks by Boko Haram militants, MPs in Chad vote to reinstate the death penalty for acts of terrorism six months after it was abolished.


9 years ago


EU & World Day Against Death Penalty

EU Heads of Mission and Officials in a group picture with CHRAGG officials (L-R: first row): Maria van Berlekom – Head of Development Cooperation (Swedish Embassy), H.E. Mr Egon Kochanke – German Ambassador, Camilla Christensen- Deputy Head of Mission (Danish Embassy), H.E. Mr Paul Cartier – Belgian Ambassador, H.E Mr Filiberto Ceriani Sebregondi – EU Ambassador, Ms Mary Massay – Executive Secretary (CHRAGG), Luana Reale – Head of Politics, Press & Information (EU), Francis Nzuki – Director...


10 years ago


EU calls for acceptance of proposal on death penalty

The European Union has urged the government to accept recommendations concerning the abolition of death penalty and corporal punishment in schools.


11 years ago

Daily News

Appeal Court judge rejects death penalty

Appeal Court judge rejects death penalty
Daily News
FOR the first time in the country's history, a justice of the Court of Appeal has refused to endorse a death sentence passed against a resident of Bukoba, Dominick Damian, who killed his mother on suspicion that she was bewitching him. While Justices ...



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