Foundation for Human Rights Statement on Xenophobic Violence in South Africa
The Government of South Africa must realize its constitutional mandate to promote and protect the rights of all people living in South Africa
The Government of South Africa must realize its constitutional mandate to promote and protect the rights of all people living in South Africa and to uphold their dignity, regardless of their legal status. We therefore urgently call upon government, leadership and other key stakeholders including business to commit itself to a sustainable programme of...
Dewji Blog
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
VIDEO: Xenophobic violence in South Africa
10 years ago
Xenophobic violence: South Africa's identity crisis
10 years ago
Dewji Blog18 Apr
Statement from Brand South Africa on the current developments in South Africa
Brand South Africa joins the rest of the country in condemning the acts of violence
Brand South Africa ( joins the rest of the country in condemning the acts of violence that have been levelled against some foreign national residing in some of the nine provinces of South Africa.
We assure all our partners in the continent that South Africa stands firmly against all intolerances such as racism, xenophobia, homophobia and sexism. As such security forces are hard...
10 years ago
South Africa's xenophobic attacks: Fear and shame
10 years ago
StarAfrica.Com13 Mar
Human rights: Tanzania; attacks by Da'esh in the Middle East; South Sudan
STRASBOURG, France, 12 March 2015 / PRN Africa / — Parliament passed three resolutions on Thursday: strongly condemning the practice of land grabbing in Tanzania; asking member states to take proactive action to counter the expansion of Da'esh ...
11 years ago
TheCitizen28 Feb
Why do we in Africa bother to sign human rights treaties?
10 years ago
VIDEO: Warning over South Africa violence
10 years ago
VIDEO: Can Zuma end South Africa violence?
11 years ago
VIDEO: South Africa confronts violence issues